The Nevada Fake Electors Prosecution May Be Fatally Flawed

Sorry, but as I’ve pointed out many times, the guy is a dick.
And the OT guy is really a dick.

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And Reagan. Don’t forget Reagan!

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The Evening Memo is up and the comment box is there but clicking on it does nothing.

Apparently, Talking Points Memo, as a website and political blog, is now history. Is that an accurate assessment?

Here you go -

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Also, can you share a link where members can request a refund?


So I guess popping out of a giant cake is right out then?
Maybe at the convention? I was really looking forward to that…


Also 5.

Oops. It was the home page of The Washington Post:


Apparently, Talking Points Memo has made some major changes. Would someone share more information regarding ownership of this blog?

Edit: It’s an election year and a change of ownership for the blog and website is relevant information. Several noteworthy writers often quote information from this website. It’s relevant information if website ownership has changed.

I don’t believe I have ever actually used the phrase “we’ll have to agree to disagree” and choose to invoke it at this time.

And I see we’ll have to leave it there. Back after these messages…

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Didn’t know Business Insider was on the animal-birth beat.

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NYT debate analysis: “Can Biden Recover from Trump Throwing Up and Passing Out? These People at Dunkin’ Donuts at 3 am Say No”


Somewhere Soros is laughing.

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It is not.

You can try
siteissues (at)talkingpointsmemo (dot) com

Recent changes are technical and cosmetic in nature.
No changes in ownership or management that I’m aware of.


I appreciate the reply. I would add that I recognize changes in the stories and, more importantly, changes in replies to stories. I am not sure I can continue to trust Talking Points Memo (TPM) as a trusted journalism source.

EYE bleach, por favor


And it looks like he’s stoned on something.


Because they updated their Discourse software version to crash as reliably and annoyingly as it always has, but this time with more clicky-button-options?

Something that didn’t even affect their front-page news things, merely what us randos chat about behind the scenes?