The Nevada Fake Electors Prosecution May Be Fatally Flawed

Originally published at: The Nevada Fake Electors Prosecution May Be Fatally Flawed

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. Nevada Fake Electors Case Dismissed The criminal prosecution of the 2020 fake electors scheme in Nevada was undertaken in the wrong county, a state judge ruled Friday. The criminal case was filed in…


Obligatory small vertebrates

“Building a city and having places for people to live doesn’t mean we have to lose nature and wildlife – we can have both in the same place,” says Soanes. She points to growing more wildlife-friendly plants in private gardens, and sprinkling more wildlife-supporting infrastructure, such as bird nesting boxes, bee hotels and frog pondlets outside homes and around the city, “blurring the lines” between urban and natural.

In Brazil, the Programa Macacos Urbanos has built aerial wood-and-rope bridges across roads to help prevent monkeys electrocuting themselves by swinging on power lines. In the UK, manufacturers of building products have started making “swift bricks” – plastic bricks designed for swifts to nest in, and the roofs of bus stops have been converted into small patches of grass called “bee stops”.



President Joe Biden, VA Dems, Planned Parenthood of VA Statements on Two-Year Anniversary of Trump-Appointed, Far-Right Supreme Court Justices Overturning Roe v Wade | Blue Virginia
JOE BIDEN: Here’s what Donald Trump says about your freedom: “After 50 years of failure with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade.

Two years ago, the Supreme Court justices that Trump handpicked helped overturn Roe v. Wade.

REPORTER 1: Never before has the Court granted and then taken away a widely recognized constitutional right.

REPORTER 2: New laws banning abortion are taking effect.

JOE BIDEN: Decades of progress shattered just because the last guy got four years in the White House.

We know what will happen if he gets another four. For MAGA Republicans, Roe is just the beginning. They’re going to try to ban the right to choose nationwide. They’re coming for IVF and birth control next.

We’re up against extremism.

Send me back to the White House and I’ll fight like hell to restore Roe v. Wade and protect American freedom.


Will there be Pharoah cape tosses?

Historian Kevin Kruse recounts how the precedent Louisiana is citing for requiring the 10 Commandments to be displayed in every classroom is at least partly rooted in Hollywood’s promotional campaign for Cecil B. DeMille’s 1956 epic of the same name starring Charlton Heston.



Looks like we’ll be coming in through the backdoor, again, this morning…

Hollywood’s promotional campaign for Cecil B. DeMille

My grandmother was a free-lance publicist in old Hollywood. Among her memorabilia, is a letter signed by DeMille inviting her to a promotional luncheon for “Union Pacific”. His efforts at publicizing and promoting his movies were as over the top as the movies were.


I’ll go one better re: journalist takes on the debate. I’m not going to read ANY analysis or even watch the damned thing. I’m just going to wait until it’s over and then read a selection of takes, mainly TPM.

OK, I did read evil Frank Luntz’s piece in the NYT today. And what was interesting was that the regular people (given that it’s Luntz, perhaps I should put those words in quotation marks) watching viewed things very differently than the journalists.

But then that’s often been true. In “Reaganland,” Rick Perlstein noted that Carter’s “malaise” (a word Carter never used) speech actually went over well. What screwed Carter was that he asked for the resignations of his cabinet not long after, which sent a message of Dems in Disarray. But it wasn’t the speech.


FYI without comment.


This was kind of interesting, but near the end McCabe says that he won’t be leaving if Trump&Co come after him. I thought it was interesting wording, how about his spouse, children, grandchildren? Bannon, Trump and the rest of that crowd want results. As he himself pointed out “Is this the direction we want the country to go?” If your answer to that is yes, why would you stop at threatening Andrew McCabe. You’re more likely to get results by threatening family members, very few decent people want their loved ones to suffer for their actions.


Referring to:

I’m with Ron. I’m not feeling the love either.


I plan to follow the Live Blog. It’s the only way to maintain my sanity because I know without a shadow of a doubt that whatever Joe says will be taken out of context (by AI, if nothing else) and the Dems will rely on the actual video of the debate for TIFBG’s performance, but the media will focus on the AI.


Well, if you exclude people that think Bannon is a fascist she’s not wrong.


I need to walk before it gets really hot and humid. The prevailing wind has shifted and the monsoon has arrived. We’ve been promised thunderstorms.

But first.

Vogue just wants to keep abreast of current events.

Former First Porn-Hooker demands equal time!

And off I beetle.


I would love to see what a AI transcription/summary would make of the debate.


You will only ever see the Biden side of that transcript, if the TIFBG campaign has anything to say about it.

They know what happens when TIFBG transcripts get out into the open.


Who among us wouldn’t take off a shirt to expose the beautiful person underneath? Poor wounded CF. :joy:


I like this new more streamlined way to get to the MM comment board!


“Building a city and having places for people to live doesn’t mean we have to lose nature and wildlife – we can have both in the same place,” says Soanes. She points to growing more wildlife-friendly plants in private gardens, and sprinkling more wildlife-supporting infrastructure, such as bird nesting boxes, bee hotels and frog pondlets outside homes and around the city, “blurring the lines” between urban and natural.



The burrowing owls have been under stress from development. One area that had colonies of 10 - 12 birrds went dark after a utility pipeline was buried near their homes. A large colony near the airport was left without burrows when the airport authority decided to vacuum* up all the prairie dogs in the vicinity in case an airplane ran off the runway and somehow managed to hang a landing gear in a burrow. the owls live in the burrows the turf poodles dig.
*The official story is they suck all the prairie dog out of their burrows with a bigass vacuum machine and relocate them to a nice new home. The reality is they blade over the area with graders and let them suffocate underground.
Prairie Dogs support many elements of their ecosystem, including plant life and predators. They will be a vital part of reestablishing the great grasslands of America after GX5.