Jan. 6 Prisoners Recorded A Podcast From Jail With A Camera Someone ‘Accidentally’ Gave Them

I will accept any land line equipment. The ring voltage will ruin his day.


The Palpable Pain In Texas article is not there.


I actually came here for discussion on today’s Cannon courtroom activity. I figured it would be in the comments of the Evening Blablabla post, but those are stuck on zero. I am sad.


Try this link - The Palpable Pain In Texas


They let prisoners have long hair?

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That works, but it shouldn’t be this hard and convoluted to access comments. (I’m probably the first one to point that out).


Count me in as also preferring the comments page to open in a new tab.

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Hunter, can you explain why Josh decided to fix what wasn’t broken???

ETA. It’s truly broken now.

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No, you are not. @lastroth suggested a link – nothing there. This is pretty much my point. Meshugge.

Yes. You are correct.

TPM’s @jackiewilhelm and @woz are aware of that issue. They are still working on some glitches since the update.


In a country where, “Your honor, would you really ruin a young man’s life for a couple of minutes of playing hide the salami that the so-called victim wanted anyway?” actually works, I wish you all the luck in the world with that little sanity crusade of yours.

Exactly! This was an attempted coup d’etat, that failed, thnkt god. These people should be executed for that alone, if not for their stupidity . Maybe that would show them the seriousness of what their actions.


Good rant, but this is the icing on the cake!
Did I mention I really like icing?


After the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 Munich, Hitler received lenient treatment and early release. Just like most of the J6 inmates. He wrote a book. If the technology existed then, he probably would have done a podcast. But Hitler never complained about how tough it was.


Different Strokes…

I was really pleased when I found that everything was on a single tab. Works much better for me.

TPM upgrades: A realistic demo of cat herding in action.


In a narcissist’s mind, Good is a either a unrealized concept…or a MacDonalds hamberder.

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Ctrl + click is a browser shortcut to open the link in a new tab. May not work on mac.

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My speculation would be that they were on an old unsupported version of the previous chat software and may have had to jump several versions ahead.

As someone who works in IT for 24x7x365 manufacturing, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a mantra. The problem is eventually your old but working application requires a version of a language or framework that is unsupported. Then, new versions of your operating system no longer support the unsupported framework, so you’re stuck on an old, unsupported operating system. And then the latest hardware doesn’t have drivers in your old operating system, so you’re stuck on old hardware that’s difficult to support and the whole thing is a vulnerability riddled house of cards.

Getting from there to modern hardware and software, where everything is secure and supported, is a Herculean effort, even for huge corporate IT departments, especially if you have no practice doing regular upgrades because “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”


Have to be some pretty hard soap to make a shiv.
I think the standard practice was to carve a pistol (derringer?) and coat it with shoe polish.
Never quite sure how that was supposed to work…really large bars of soap? And do inmates wear dress shoes that need polishing for the day-to-day around the cell block?
Easier to do a podcast…


I believe that was/is the issue.