Jan. 6 Prisoners Recorded A Podcast From Jail With A Camera Someone ‘Accidentally’ Gave Them

I honestly don’t know a lot about the technical
side of things. I do know two things though. The first is that recent changes are supposed to make things smoother and easier in the long run. The second is that, in terms of commenting, actually writing posts, and generally quality, the TPM interface is so much better than what I have dealt with elsewhere. I actually have faith in our tech crew to put out a good product and be looking out for you guys and I can’t say that for everywhere I have been. I don’t know the comment system well enough to understand the things that folks are not thrilled with. I just popped in because I saw some frustration and wanted to assure you they do pay attention and are always tweaking things. Those folks are a good crew! Write in with specific issues and give them time! Comments are a core part of the TPMxperience and we all care about it going well!



Thank you
And thank you to@texlib.



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I’ve been through a number of upgrades where required components had not been upgraded over the years. Sometimes you have to cycle through older versions just to catch up.
Just about the worst possible scenario if your goal is a seamless upgrade (and trust me, those are very difficult to manage - lots of niggling details).
All in all, this upgrade was pretty darn smooth - for me at least. However, I have to say the testing was inadequate. Effective testing is difficult, time consuming, and expensive. It’s really hard when you don’t have a single client model to test against.
Again, like herding cats.
Those of us who’ve done this kind of work can generally muddle through. Others have to rely on tech support, and it’s human nature to assume that your issue needs to be at the top of the punch list.


Thank you. I was particularly proud of that line myself. :slight_smile:

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I have complete confidence that the TPM management and staff want nothing more than our complete satisfaction. Collectively, Josh and crew have earned that trust.

Sometimes it takes a while to shake out the bugs…and there are always, always bugs to be dealt with in a complex upgrade, and my take is that most of it was stuff we never see.

The ‘citizen’ that has been making unwarranted accusations of corporate sellout, untrustworthy stories, etc. is nothing more than a Karen in my book. There’s no evidence of that.


And Boo effing HOO if they have found their accommodations not to their liking. They are lucky they are not taken out to be put up against a wall and shot for being traitors.

WHY do they even have access to laptops or any other device that allows them to continue their insurrections???

Well, I STILL cannot log in without going the “magic Link” route.

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Due Process. Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. They get the right to see the evidence to be presented against them and all potentially exculpatory evidence. This being the age of cell phones and digital surveillance, that’s an awful lot of data that can only be made available to them on computer.

That said, there’s no requirement that they get to take said computer back to the cellblock. That was stupid and this was easily foreseeable.


Damn straight! is there any indication that the powers that be in the DC lockup have seen the error of their ways? These fuckers should serve every damn second of the original sentence, and should have some added penalty for breaking the conditions of their incarceration. Maybe shaving their heads to prevent lice from spreading would be a start.


And pick up garbage along the roads…we used to see them all the time in Georgia…

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You really don’t like Due Process, do you? Punishment first, trial never.

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They may have STARTED OUT as ‘protesters’ but when they doubled down on violence they gave up that protection.

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That was my point. You can protest, but when you start destroying shit then your not using your 1st Amendment right.

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I got to talk to one of the IT people at the store last week.

I now know why the software on the registers looks so old and antiquated.

I kid you not, the software platform is Windows 7. I don’t think 7 is even supported anymore. He tells me an upgrade is coming to Windows 10, but I might be long gone before they ever make the upgrade. Told one of my managers, 7 isn’t even supported anymore, so if there’s ever a major problem, the store chain is SOL.


That’s why there are prison libraries where computer activity is at least monitored.

What makes this scenario any different than being a prisoner in the system and having access to porn?

All for due process. Is there a law that they can be tried for in this instance…then try them. Since you seem to be our resident expert in the law and I certainly am not, please pontificate on this issue.,

IIRC there’s a special program where companies can pay some enormous amount of money to get support from MSFT on stuff that’s out of official support. Which likely tells you how expensive it is going to be to move the software to a new OS.