Jan. 6 Prisoners Recorded A Podcast From Jail With A Camera Someone ‘Accidentally’ Gave Them

For pete’s sake, give this guy a bar of soap, so he can carve a shiv, and somehow be able to take over this entire jail. Geniuses, they say they are…

Anyone who supports something we commonly agree is called Justice, in ANY geographical area that includes DC justicial systems, that involve a white, male, inmate – maybe we should think again about who we protect in our judicial system.


Or maybe not, considering the psychological and potential physical damage. See, for example, Newjack by Ted Conover, who spent a year as a guard at Sing Sing (as an undercover reporter). By five years in you might well have swallowed the wrong pill.


So you’re telling me some of the few people facing consequences for their actions on January 6th…

…aren’t actually facing consequences.

Here they are, lying and shitposting like nothing ever happened.

Jesus. It’s like the fucking Bundy fiasco all over again. Before I die, I’d like to see at least one of these fuckers have the book thrown at them.


so infuriating


That’s it. Going to prison should have been the shutdown.

Instead, now they’ve got a fucking podcast.


If the use of an illicit cell phone by an inmate is a violation of DC laws, these scum should be charged and tried seeking whatever the maximum penalty under the law is. Even if found innocent, they will have incurred significant legal expenses. All the J6er’s need to have their lives ruined. Personally, I think they should have been charged with capital crimes, with no bail!


How about tossing their attorneys into DC jail as well?


Your honor, I object! No one wants to install the Pink Racist Warlord with 88 Criminal Indictments and 34 Convictions: They want to Violently Overthrow the Government and Install ORANGE Racist …etc, etc, etc.

Accuracy is EVRYthinE


Looks like, L-R, Trotsky, Manson and Ché


Maybe Empty G just paid a visit.


That’s more accurate than IOKIYR.


The Warden will give them a stern warning.


Goes all the way back to the beginning. Giving up a colony to white guys was unfortunate but acceptable. White guys do what they want.

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Have read no comments but I’m sure Bannon is gonna shove a phone up his ass when he goes in.

Prolly already studied pruno recipes too.


How about one of the old wooden/crank models, sideways.


So here I am – trying to see on the Home Page Where Things Stand ## The Palpable Pain In Texas This is your TPM evening briefing. and no ability to comment, even though I’m in there in the HIVE as myself.

I can’t get to this under any of your fixes or fancy “updated” menus or tool bars or article topics, etc. Only from the home page, but not able to comment.

I immediately think this is incompetent testing of a new system, or something about suppressing information, for some reason. This happens to be an article by a woman reporter. About something I am particularly interested in (women’s issues). THIS IS NOT OK. And totally unfair to getting accurate data on the number of likes to the reporter/author, and the number of comments generated, which would give the “company” information about readership “clicks” and “likes.” Leading to a parformance review datapoint.

So, if the reason to go to a canned comment system is economic, to accomodate member preferences, and, still prioritize the budget for reporter hires (which I approve), I’d like to make sure you do not somehow erroneously skew member access to your articles by making some articles available, and some not. Especially if some of the hard-to-find articles, with comment ability, are authored by reporters who happen be to women. Convince me of your support to the majority minority group called WOMEN.

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INTIYAR. Or more accurately INSCIYAR.

Rhodes was the big fish. The small fry walked with a wrist slap.


Hello Hive friends! I always like lurking down here in the comments to make sure we have a happy Hive. I see some people are frustrated with some of the design stuff. We’ve been learning the ropes ourselves. I can assure you that the Powers That Be here are watching and will always be tweaking stuff with your optimal enjoyment in mind. I will flag a few of these for the team including the person who felt like they were having trouble accessing Where Things Stand. Never hesistate to email me directly if you are ever annoyed with anything, particularly my posts. Thanks for hanging out with us!


Thank you for diving into The Hive. The mods have been doing a great job of trying to address issues as people bring them up but it’s good to have you reach out.


Try this link.

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