You Won't Find Vintage Trump Nostalgia Here

Considering that Trump’s ear cartilage heals faster than someone half his age’s regular skin, I’d say they are already down the rabbit hole.

Give a man the imprimatur of God, in America, and he reaches for his gun. Worked against the Indians.


One reason: Merrick Garland wants to avoid looking political so much he’d let our country burn to the ground to show it.


Probably not good for a bump. No one who isn’t voting form him at the moment is going to decide “Hey it’s really great that he did that.” The fervor of his followers? That will go up by 5 or 6 points, and yes the intensity of "Trump is the greatest’ cries.

One great thing about Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz is that when all is said and done, they don’t project batshit crazy. Trump can increase the devotion of his followers, but only by alienating more undecided folks.


Can menstruating huts in the back yard be far behind?


Dude with “Freedom Everything” shirt seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of Dumpism. Unless, of course, he means freedom for him to do everything and to hell with those other people. Which of course he does.


So we’re supposed to believe he’d knowingly let a better golfer into his cabinet? I think he might be lying again.


Maybe – I’m just playing with an idea – the Army has been loath to take Flynn to task because they don’t want to appear to be punishing a retired officer for his public political activities and stances. If the legal case against Flynn had ever been resolved clearly, maybe the Army would have found a way to cut off his pension and even demote him or give him a dishonorable discharge. Flynn had withdrawn his guilty plea (he was charged with making false statements to the FBI) and the DOJ (Barr) was doing its damnedest to get Flynn off the hook as sentencing loomed (though the judge wasn’t cooperating), when Trump pardoned him.


They ain’t gettin’ their money’s worth. Then again, they certainly didn’t pay up, so maybe they are.


That really is a genius way to stop global warming. Just as testing caused COVID, these references are raising temperatures and sea level.


Last go-round, Felonious Punk and his posse batted 1 for 61. I assume the D’s lawyers will be waiting for him.


Or it could be that at its core our military, like most police departments, is a viper’s nest of Nazis, skinheads and rabid, xenophobic racists. And therefore Flynn is a fellow traveler.


Yup, there’s no beef!!

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There has been a war on women in the Islamic world for 1,400 years. Some countries have modernized, but the male leaders of countries like Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq don’t want to live in the modern age where women are empowered and (nominally at least) equal to men. A medieval male dominant culture with an overlay of modern technology suits them just fine.


Private lawyers have to get involved because Merrick Garland is a feckless coward.


Trump’s crowd size comparison to MLK fails for 2 reasons:

  1. MLK’s was at the Lincoln Memorial; Trump’ Jan 6 sppech was at the Ellipse.
  2. Trump may have been thinking of his inaugural speech, but pictures showed MLK crowd to be much larger. IIRC, that was his first official lie as President.

Trump’s superpower is his ability to lie well enough that he can fool gullible people. He seems to be losing that abilty which leaves him with absolutely nothing.


I think a lot of Trump’s appeal is identifying with “A Winner”. Now Trump is looking like a low energy, snivelling “Loser” … and his crowds are dwindling, and leaving for the gates early to beat the rush. This spells low turn-out. The huge danger is dark money flooding the media.


So just like the Christian right then?


Among his many other capabilities, Biden is politically astute; I would not be a bit surprised to find that this was true.

TBH, I had always assumed that Biden would serve only one term and then step aside; it seems unlikely that this was his long term plan, but who knows?


Not to be defending the Christian right here, but they would need to go full Handmaid’s Tale to approximate how women are treated in the worst Islamic countries.

At least most ChristoFascists still want their girls educated, even if they’re consigned to a Trad Wife position in the home after that.


The Trump solution is to replace NOAA with AccuWeather, ignoring the fact that AccuWeather gets all its data from NOAA. But it saves a lot of money by eliminating the middle man. :roll_eyes: