WV Correctional Officers In Training Threw Up Nazi Salutes In Class Photo | Talking Points Memo

That’s what they were going to do anyway.

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I’m a white boy and I don’t trust or respect them. Never have. Cops down here in the Failed Confederacy have been horrible since before Reconstruction.


What’s with the Lunch Ladies on the front bench?

That’s an interesting point, usually made with white supremacist racists. However, a good argument can be made that those who benefit from institutionalized racism (or Nazism) can and should be tarred with the same brush. It’s not like it’s a minor issue embodied in a few “bros”, but are central tenets of the group.

Hard for me to not to think all gops are Nazis and white supremacists and child abusers and terrorists and tax evaders, etc.

I seem to have lost my ability to nuance in the past thirty years of this constant stream of gop shit.


Why are their faces blurred? A black kid gets gunned down by cops and they plaster his face all over the news and reveal how he had WEEEEEEEED!!! in his pocket while NWA plays in the background.


Came here to post this.

I’m sure the guys want their faces blurred, but I wonder if they have no legal right to remain anonymous, given that the photograph is documentary evidence.

Is it because they’re still in training, and so maybe not yet employees of the state, or something like that?

It seems like the public has a legitimate interest in the identities of an entire graduating class who decided to use their graduation photo to celebrate one of America’s most-infamous and most-hated enemies.


Lawrence Messina, a spokesperson for the department, told TPM that “Byrd” is “an individual involved in the training program.”

Pretty sure that reference is to the late Senator Byrd from WV who was in his younger years a member of the Klan. And yes, he was a Democrat. Dixiecrat variety of course. If memory serves, and it may not, I think he sort of redeemed himself in later years in some way, but that seems like 100 years ago and with so much water pouring out of the firehouse these days…who can remember anything anymore?



Why, Secretary Sandy? Specifically, what is disturbing about that…

…oh, wait. Never mind. I’ve got to go and ask Nancy Pelosi a made-up question about why she hates Donald Trump. I might get national exposure! Have a nice day.

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They should fire every one of these fuckers.


I’m not so sure.

Brian Abraham, Justice’s legal advisor, told the Gazette-Mail that was a reference to the director of the training class in the picture.

I think that rules out the late Senator.

Byrd ruled WV politics with an iron fist, and through his Byrd Organization he turned WV into his own political fiefdom by exercising his personal veto to make or break wannabe pols in his demesne. And, like Mitch McConnell after him, he used his rock-steady perch in his captured home state to exert the same iron grip on national politics.

Progressive reform in the United States was horribly stunted for fifty years under the tyrant Robert Byrd, and now McConnell has piled on at least ten more years of flawless obstruction. Two men who near-singlehandedly inflicted suffering on hundreds of millions for their own vanity and ambition. It’s almost not surprising that something like the modern GOP and Trump took root in the grotesque caricature of civilization those two villains worked to create.

Proof either that there are no time machines or that time travel doesn’t work the way we’d want it to.


Well, I wasn’t buying the “director of the training class” bit. But, perhaps it could be a descendent or relative on Senator Byrd. Not exactly a common name and WV is a pretty small state.


Clearly they are morally challenged, intellectually deficient white supremacists. Go figure.

I think it may not be an exaggeration to say that they are not hiring the best. The lot of them are sadistic fascists.

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Jobs for two for two of job age …

Also note that they’re too stupid to know that it’s “Heil” and not “Hail.” If you’re going to be a Nazi, at least get the jargon right!

Why do West Virginians hate America so much? My two cents to these guys: go to the center of town, look at the memorial with the names of all the guys killed fighting the Nazis, then explain to us how you could possibly side with the enemy of America. Truly unbelievable. And shows, once again, how the GOP is the Party of Stupid.


The article mentions that Byrd was the name of one of their trainers.

If I remember my high school German, I think Seig Heil translates as All Hail in English. (Although it was probably a typo and not an actual translation by these rocket scientists)


Given the logos at the bottom of the photo, it’s even more shocking - that looks like it was taken by an official photographer and not just by a member of the class, etc.

You would think an official photographer would say - “ah, guys? Do you really think that pose is a good idea?”


Because your daddy being your uncle, and your sister your aunt just didn’t seem right to the rest of us.

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