A class of West Virginia correctional officers in training took a group photo in which they gave Nazi salutes.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1266790
A class of West Virginia correctional officers in training took a group photo in which they gave Nazi salutes.
What do you expect of correctional officers? Who wants to work in a prison? Yeah those guys
They’ll have lots of friends on either side of the bars.
Foxes guarding the hen house…
I do nazi West Virginia sending their best.
What do you expect? It’s West Virginia! Their state is down the shitter thinking Trump was going to bailout the coal industry. He found money for farmers but none for miners. Surprise! But you will believe his bullshit again.
Thousands of Second World War American warriors are spinning in their graves. What an affront to the sacrifices they all made!
I knew a guy who finished his 2 week employee orientation and was sent back to HR, where they fired him - last hired, etc.
I thought that was the fastest you could go from new hire to unemployed until I saw this story.
Now what’s there going to be for them to do - lay around and take Oxy and complain about how the blacks get all the benefits?
That sure is a whole lot of white guys with pink blurry faces.
So…the Nazi salute wasn’t part of the training?
Mississippi (wiping away tear): “I think I’m in love.”
Don’t mean to be rude - but what about the man on the far left in the back?
Alabama: buncha librulz
West Virginia? Hmmm, did nazi that coming.
Nothing to do with West Virginia, California’s prison guards aren’t any better. It’s the profession itself, prison guards are the guys that are too dumb or too thuggish to be police officers and authoritarianism runs deep even among cops.
Some of those that work forces . . .
Can’t wait to drive through WV.
Are these the type of LEOs that Barr was talking about?
Either Scumbag’s new Cabinet or perhaps the down home folks who will be pictured in the background during more of Its hate fest rallies. Your pick.