A comment I heard on NPR from one of the police who testified concerning the 1/6/21 committee… 'Who’s behind alla this?"
Ummm. I think that’s fucking obvious
A comment I heard on NPR from one of the police who testified concerning the 1/6/21 committee… 'Who’s behind alla this?"
Ummm. I think that’s fucking obvious
Well… looks like they have the makings of a list of celebrities to seek damages…
Grab them by the pursie.
In a state and county that has constantly underfunded education it’s even more of an outrage.
Tick Tock motherscratchers
I know that, but I’m trying to avoid being ‘unfriendly’ to the corporate whores… (did I say that out loud)
That describes so much rightwing fundraising that its hard for me to believe that they don’t know much of their money is going to waste.
I’m going to go with an 80:20 ratio, with 20 going towards the cause, while the 80 is covering incidentals.
I’d like to add that any AZ state senator that voted for Fraudit has to kick in to repay the state coffers expenditure of $150,000.
Also betting none of those $$$ are going to go toward replacing the voting equipment they destroyed.
In the future, voting officials should insist that the “auditors” post a bond to cover the full cost of completely replacing the voting machinery in case they should fuck them up during their “audit”.
How much you wanna bet he takes credit after it passes? Because you know he will.
A lot of his whining is “they didn’t give a big beautiful (skim-off-the-top-able) infrastructure deal to MEEEEE.”
The rest is his zero-sum “this is good for Biden so it’s bad for us” mind(*)set.
(*) such as it is.
I was reading something about the stolen children in the last week or so, we knew about the infants, toddlers, children, but I never realized that there were teenagers in that total. Some were 16-17 when they crossed with an adult.
Ya’ll are probably tired of me asking, but what to Republicans plan on doing to these kids? I realize that there are Dreamers to deal with, but damn it I can just see when we lose the WH, at some point, Republicans are going to insist we throw them back over the wall.
TPM’s idea of celebrity is way different then mine!
Anyone else remember all the folks including Steve Bannon who were arrested for defrauding people who donated to “build the wall”. Or to put another way, it should be no surprise if Cyber Ninja’s is paying significant fees to people who double as strippers.
The point is it is more likely than not that where the money is being spent is sexier than where the money is coming from.
I thought they didn’t want private money spent on elections?
Oh! They don’t want private money spent to HELP people to vote, only to discourage people from voting.
RNLA - The National Bar Association for Republican Lawyers
Betting they are feeling like they didn’t get much for their money.
Oh I doubt that. They got EXACTLY what they paid for - we’re now 9 months from the election and we’re still fucking hearing about their bullshit election “fraud.” Even better they now have hundreds of hours of video of their bullshit recount, which is enough to get the stupidest people to say, “If there tweren’t no fraud, how come they’s doing recounts.”
I think we can assume that these funding campaigns are raking in far more than the paltry $6million listed. The overhead for maintaining the lifestyles of these grifters philanthropists must be in the 75-80% margin (otherwise, what’s the point).
“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. … The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951
Scott Baio
Victoria Jackson
Ted Nugent
They have millions?