Groups run by by pro-Trump celebrities who’ve campaigned for months on the lie that Donald Trump’s second term was stolen for him have collectively given millions of dollars to the sham “audit” of Maricopa County, Arizona’s 2020 election results, constituting the vast majority of the audit’s funding.
I’d like in on that bet. Those fools got taken by a grifter. I love to see RW millionaires get ripped off. This whole sham is starting to smell of toxic mold.
In my humble opinion (which ain’t worth zilch) … any Goober member of the Arizona Senate who voted for this travesty of a ‘fraudit’ held over the last several months ought to be run outta Arizona altogether and told to go live elsewhere and take their bullshit Qanon inspired “theories” with 'em.
I live south of Phoenix in Pima County but had I been a resident of Maricopa county and knowing these charlatans were gonna be handling my ballot… and attempting to invalidate my vote… my voice… well my state reps and senators woulda been hounded far more than they were by me. And one last thing. Multiple emails to both my state House Rep. and State Senator have so far gone unanswered. Doesn’t matter that I am represented by democrats. I am still pissed that this shit is taking place at all.
"The abuse of buying and selling votes crept in and money began to play an important part in determiningelections. Later on, this process of corruption spread to the law courts. And then to the army, and finally the Republic was subjected to the rule of emperors" ~ Plutarch
What I would like to know- how much of all that money going to Cyber Ninjas is going to the workers vs how much is for all that management “talent?” i.e HOW BIG IS THE GRIFT?
The Arizona Republic’s Jenn Fifield noted an error in the release: the individual contributions listed add up to $5,661,514.43, or $50,000 short of the stated sum.)
Of course, their math errors are simple clarifications that should easily be forgiven, but corrections between batches of vote tallies on election night are proof of a conspiracy.
It speaks volumes that the morons that form Trump’s “base” (a noun and an adjective) pretend not to notice that this “audit” was ethically compromised from the jump. It’s like they’ve been steeped in corruption for so long they don’t even know how much their own shit stinks.