Not to pick nits, but isnt the answer here actually “yes”? As in, ‘yes, they never learn’…?
Asking for a friend…
Not to pick nits, but isnt the answer here actually “yes”? As in, ‘yes, they never learn’…?
Asking for a friend…
Yeah, but it’s only the flying gunboats, and there’s not many of these around anymore.
It’s true, they’re lethal. But I’m certain the Iranians only have a few.
Oh the irony , Please don’t go
Noem reminded South Dakotans of the state guidance to not gather in groups of more than 10 people. Organizers of the event in Jefferson, South Dakota, have said they would limit ticket sales but it is still expected to draw hundreds of people.
Noem says we are still many weeks away from peak hospitalization and infection rates. She says it is incredibly important people continue to social distance so we don’t overwhelm the health care system with COVID-19 cases.
Don’t forget Georgia’s governor reminding us that if he just took all those poor black folks from Albany out of the COVID-19 dead tally , the Georgia numbers wouldn’t look so bad.
Somehow, somewhere, some part of evolution went awry:
Holy shit, the Iranians have flying gunboats!
To paraphrase Dubya, I fear you are misunderestimating them. Their anti-abortion position is the calling of their Xtian duty to protect the weakest among us while the “Sacrifice the weak” sign is the calling of their Xtian duty to lay down our your lives for the brethren.
I’m with you. I wish more of us could read about this abject racist killings, and the collateral damage to those trying to save lives, on the front pages of the WaPo and NYT. And on ALL the Mainstream “news and talk shows.”
For Everyone who stayed home or worked their essential asses off, like we were supposed to, it’s all going to be for nothing. Ruined by assholes who can’t follow directions and don’t care who their personal choice endangers.
We just cannot conceive of a world that they inhabit. We are all CONSUMED with being correct, having facts, and fearing that we will make a flawed product or decision or policy. They have NO SUCH FEARS. They do not operate in a world that cares if they are correct, or can truly govern, or plan to build something…let alone successfully build it once they have sold the concept.
They are never held accountable. They do not EVER have to prove anything. They are not asked to govern, only destroy. They NEVER have to deliver any results other than proof they broke something that an accomplished person built.
I was considering that as well, I think it works both on this, as in “No, they never learn”.
Noem upped her predictions of how many of South Dakota’s nearly 900,000 residents will contract the disease, saying during a news conference at the Capitol that anywhere from 30% to 70% of them might.
The curve of new coronavirus cases hasn’t flattened. Not even close.
Per our daily count at First Read, the nation has seen 25,000-plus new cases since yesterday, as well as nearly 2,500 new deaths.
Now some cities and states have flattened their curves. But as a nation, the numbers and charts tell us that isn’t happening yet.
Oh right, I see your point. Means the same either way. Funny that…
Next up: God sent the virus to kill off the surplus population - the old, sick, the blah, the libtards. It is making the Reich stronger!
and I suppose she and the state are good with that?
Seriously? A troll? This is a the GOP as it’s always been…as long as “the weak” means “the blacks.”
Is that a serious question?