Nope it is the homosexuals’
I think it strains credulity to say that you can have an apolitical Court with elected Justices. These aren’t neutral umpires calling balls and strikes, they have to run for office in the same political environment as the Executive and Legislative branches.
Whether this a good system for choosing Justices is open to discussion, but its pretty clear that any elected Justices who doesn’t have an eye open to the public approval of their decisions is working on borrowed time.
Must this country do every damn thing in the stupidest way possible?
Haven’t you read about similar litigation pitting political parties against each other over the right to have people die of COVID-19 taking place in every other country in the world?
Let me know if you see something.
I’m no legal expert plus the courts are stacked with RW hacks and ideologues, but I don’t see how this prevails unless they can prove either willfully and egregiously bad and unnecessary orders by these agencies, causing grievous and irreversible harm, or that these orders are outside their lawful scope, and I doubt that either is true. It’s like suing a cop for issuing you a speeding ticket when you were in fact speeding, because it caused you financial and emotional harm.
Robin Vos - in his protective gear at the polls
Nope it is the homosexuals’
Same as 9-11.
I knew it.
I KNEW it was them! It’s ALWAYS them! Except, of course, when it’s us JEWS. Always us JEWS, trying to replace them. And the worst are the GAY JEWS. I hate them, the way I hate ponies and sunshine.
Here in Minnesota, the MN Republican Party is calling strenuously to “Re-Open for Business! LIBERATE MINNESOTA!!!” while at the same time stating publicly that when they hold the MN Republican Party State Convention on May 15th, 2020 they will do so via teleconference ONLY “for Safety Reasons during the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
The rank Hypocrisy is stomach-churning…
Sooner or later, Pat Robertson is going to drop dead, and I’m gonna laugh and laugh and laugh.
This is worldwide. Bad news.
The Repubs were never “pro-life,”
There, fixed it for you.
OT But I had heard there was a big election coming up this year and Joe Biden was possibly going to be a presidential candidate. Just wondering why TPM never mentions this?
The Quiet Hand of Conservative Groups in the Anti-Lockdown Protests
Groups in a loose coalition have tapped their networks to drive up turnout at recent rallies in state capitals and financed lawsuits, polling and research to combat the stay-at-home orders.
Their anti-abortion position is the calling of their Xtian duty to protect the weakest among us while the “Sacrifice the weak” sign is the calling of their Xtian duty to lay down
ouryour lives for the brethren.
Their position is irrelevant, their rationalizing is irrelevant, and what their diehards will think or do is also wholly irrelevant. What matters is how the rest of the country views their willingness to send people to their deaths while they also claim that life is of the utmost importance. They’ve lost the moral high ground they pretended to have. That’s a good thing.
jimrutenberg (jimrutenberg)
Unfortunately he is like Cheney even the devil doesn’t want him
Nope it is the homosexuals’
We are all-powerful.
And we have the best taste in clothing and home decor.
Damn the Chinese for legalizing same sex marriage!