Why You Can't Call The Roberts Court 'Conservative' Any Longer

This is incredibly rare. It was a hurricane before it made it to the Caribbean, which typically just doesn’t happen as the Atlantic is much cooler, most are tropical storm strength until they get past Barbados/lesser Antilles.
It was an early season monster. Hopefully it won’t recut this year.

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But it was tempered for a time with holding onto cases that relied on precedent and on the Constitution. Now they’re just making it up as they go. History isn’t even their guide. They make shadow decisions and don’t even bother to explain themselves half the time anymore. They don’t even take the official arguments that have been at the heart of a case in some instances. Its appalling. They’re corrupt. They don’t feel obligated to the country. Its all partisan bullshit, all the fucking time now.


I wish that were the case. But it isn’t. Joe can’t get a pass from anyone, it seems. Even Democrats. He follows a different rule book that demands integrity.


The dark side is that Biden plays by the actual rules as well as the spirit of the rules. He will accept the ruling and not exploit it. Newsome would, Whitmer might, Klobuchar probably would do something, Bernie definitely would, Swalwell definitely would, Raskin would do something amazing…but, alas…not Biden.

This is not a judgment of their integrity just their likely willingness to take SCOTUS at its word.


For a second I thought that was the cover to the Goat-herders Guide to the Universe more commonly known as the bible.


The Robert’s court is not Conservative at all it is Reactionary.


By the way…what the fuck is Katy Tur’s problem? What a fucking lightweight bubblehead to put on during such an important ruling. But I disgress… MSNBC has gone to shit or is slowly recalibrating for what they believe will be their new overlord when tRump is reelected. They’re hedging their bets at this point I think. All their contracted never-tRumpers and conserva-Dems have come out lately for demanding Biden be replaced but offer absolutely no plausible alternative.


It started back in the early days with the introduction of “shadow dockets,” and has just gotten worse.


“A republic, if you can keep it."

Ben Franklin

Has there been a consumer grade laptop or tablet sold in the last 20 years that didn’t have an integrated camera?


ok, so say in the midst of a heated debate…Trumpf, as usual, get over excited and uses abusive language…BIDEN can claim he felt threatened and shoot him dead,since BIDEN is POTUS can he claim Presidential immunity and walk away?


Mayybe they solved that problem by putting a piece of tape over the lens.


It gives him the prospect of immunity by reelection. It does not grant him immunity in fact, just sufficient time to drive off in the getaway car.


Joe Biden should, ASAP, get in front of the cameras and bash the court for its partisan rulings and unmitigated activism. He should be angry (as we are) and tell the country what Trump can now legally do if elected. To sit and quietly accept this ruling would be a mistake and fuel the “too weak to be President” fire.


The written decision of which court? I am assuming, once again, that the judge who will hear the Jan 6th case will decide. But I am also sure Trump will use this to challenge any case against him, including the NY case. I think the decision will create a lot of chaos.


It is worth a shot. Pun, intended.


MSNBC has always had second-rate, first acts during the day – starting from Joe, and going through Mrs. Greenspan, Tuck Chodd and on. I don’t even watch until Nicole Wallace comes on, and even after her, I’m pretty choosy – I’m partial to Joy Reid, Alicia Menendez, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rev. Al on weekends, and of course, Rachel…

Katy Tur is absolutely unwatchable. She thinks her smircks are her talent.


He OFFICIALLY threatened Raffensperger on that call.



However, Raffensperger is not part of his administration. They can say that anything he said to Pence or Meadows is official, but I am not sure about a state official being viewed the same way. Who knows, maybe the courts in Georgia will decide that.


I was referencing specifically the SCOTUS decision. I haven’t read it or any serious analysis of it. But Q&A during oral arguments means about as much as “balls and strikes” testimony to Congress.

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