Why You Can't Call The Roberts Court 'Conservative' Any Longer

They’re ALL doing that now – digital and print.


You and everyone else need to get past any notion Trump is subject to our laws. Once we all resign ourselves to the fact he is not subject to our laws the daily news will be easier to comprehend. Courts may convict him of crimes. Courts may impose financial settlements. He’ll not suffer for their actions, though. Prison? Never.

Oh, and well over a year later, how much money has Trump deposited into a personal account belonging to E Jean Carroll?



The link above isn’t working for me. So here’s one that does if other folks are affected as well:


It worked for me, but that’s probably because I didn’t visit the site until about 11 (EDT). I’ve given up on trying to get access to Comments till at least an hour after MM is posted. TPM’s lack of explanation for what’s going on, or even a simple acknowledgement that many commenters are still having problems, is what irks me. Maybe they just don’t intend to fix it (or, before I get mansplained again, have Discourse fix it).

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Wonder what will happen if they try to shave him dry.

Happy Bannon goes to prison day!


It just occurred to me that Trump is only an incidental beneficiary right now. SCOTUS is playing the long game and clearing the path for a permanent Republican controlled government. They are ruling for the future White Christian Nationalists to take over in perpetuity funded by our very own plutocrats but foreign donations are not turned away. The implications of the recent verdicts are catastrophic.


For what it may be worth – nothing more:

Historian who predicts elections says Democrats shouldn’t drop Biden (usatoday.com)


I took a big Sharpie and moved the path of Beryl right into Mara Lago. Let’s all cross our fingers!


Poor Marge – she was part of the greeting committee, wearing subdued black.
Cure this party up to about 1 hr. 18 minutes to see the show:


Yes, they were personally offended by Biden’s comparing them to that sick fuck.
ETA: Now they’ve gotta set the record straight.


Perhaps Biden should officially discuss that the IRS fully and expeditiously audit TCF and every member of his crime family and cabal associates.


Sounds like an official act to me. :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:


Just did some research. When TCF wins in November, it will be the first time a fascist was actually elected rather than appointed to run the country in an “emergency” (that they created, of course) - Mussolini was appointed by King Leopold, Hitler was via a coalition.
Truly American Exceptionalism. :upside_down_face:

Better yet, PUBLICLY RELEASE TSF’s TAX RETURNS and let all the retired CPAs in this country rip it to shreds.


Acronym: ACAT


It would be a better case if he ordered someone, like a general to do the shooting. Now, THAT would be official, no?


[She went to law school and I think that is why she was called on for this.] → I am wrong on this. Sorry to post something so inaccurate, and a hat-tip and thank you to @srfromgr for bringing it to my attention.

I don’t agree that she is a light-weight, but to have all these legal geniuses (in my opinion they are without equal) and to constantly interrupt them to ask ‘if they ever heard of this happening before(!)’. It was insulting to them and interfered with their ability to get their actual points across.

I am also down with Nicole, (then watch previous night’s Steven Colbert, or other such things); then Lawrence O"Donnell, and if I can keep my eyes open, Stephanie Rule. Not a fan of Rachel because she is a bit too pedantic for me, but I do like Chris Hayes.

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Biden is so mentally addled he doesn’t realize he’s no longer President, Trump has resumed serving in that capacity.

No? If you’re a foreign head of state, and Trump calls you directly and warns you against taking certain actions, are you listening? I think you are. If you’re the House and you’re contemplating legislation, and Trump tells you to drop it, are you dropping it? I think you are. If you’re a GOP Senator signaling cooperation with Democrats. and Trump tells you to knock it off, are you following his command? I think you are.

Biden is President in name only. Trump is calling all the shots. He even dictates what SCOTUS does.

Definition of "extra judicial " :joy:

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