Who Kissed the Ring At the Trump Trial?

C’mon, wink for me sparky.

Who was representing Putin?

Only, after keelhauling them.

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They came out because Trump supporters did not come out. They tried to gin up a crowd but that also did not happen. It ended up being a weak showing of Trump a$$ kissers.


lickspittles amirite

Thanks for that link to a Collins Dictionary new word suggestion. On the same page they list some other new word suggestions that were submitted, among them Diaper Donnie!



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Aye. And no need to look too smart hauling them 'round, lads.

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In partiular we have an absolutely ginormous record of pictorial documentation attesting their craven depravity. Eight years ago already I began noting those who allowed themselves to be photographed smiling in proximity to the orange abomination. It continues unabated to this day. We don’t need a Richard Avedon, the press has taken care of it. Collected together, all these images would make an eye-opening coffee table book, except that none of us have a table able to bear the weight of it.

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Why lookee there. Second photo, front row on the right, it’s Stephen Miller!


Keep those lists current. They will be invaluable when we have the show trials for traitors after the election. All those you mentioned, plus 6 SCOTUS justices, and various other state level traitors. Madame Defarge, sharpen up your knitting needles!

What a motley crew.

Remember too, that Boebert neglected to show up in court for her own son at his court date so she could genuflect to 45*.


My list is non-exhaustive, but includes four senators, … and at least 23 members of Congress who came to show their respect to Trump in his hour of need.

Are the 4 senators included among or in addition to the 23 members of Congress?

Mr. Guru, what could possibly make you think the MAGA cult would ingest a poison if told to do so by the Orange POS?

Our results show that there was a substantial increase in purchases and searches for previously unpurchased and unsearched therapies by the general public following the backing of US president Donald J Trump. These increases correlated with his discussions in press conferences and personal social media posts advocating for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine cures. Conservative outlets provided the most airtime to hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, and airtime for these therapies only peaked on liberal media outlets after the chloroquine-induced death occurred…





Which one of those jackasses were also a part of the House Judiciary Committee that had Costello show up and testify in front of them the week before he pissed off the judge on the stand. How is that not tampering?


This photo says it all…


Well, these sycophants had to show up because his adoring supporters weren’t in numbers to make His Orangness happy!