Who Kissed the Ring At the Trump Trial?


Special counsel’s office prosecutors on Friday asked a federal judge in Florida to place a gag order on Donald Trump that would limit his ability to comment about law enforcement that searched his Mar-a-Lago resort.

The request – a first in the classified documents mishandling case – comes after the former president has repeatedly and misleadingly criticized the FBI for having a policy in place around the use of deadly force during the search and seizure of government records at his resort in August 2022.

While Trump has told his supporters he could have been in danger because of the policy, the policy is standard protocol for FBI searches and limits how agents may use force in search operations. The same standard FBI policy was used in the searches of President Joe Biden’s homes and offices in a separate classified documents investigation.
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donnie was 1200 miles away when Mar-a-Lago was searched. So blazing gun battles were a figment of nonreality in donnies head. This was not Dallas on Nov 22nd 1963.

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Aaaannnnd this one’s yer you donald…


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MAGA cult would still do whatever donald said… Swallowing fish tank cleaner is but one example. The gentleman who died actually bought his hydroxychloroquine at a pet store.

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Well, you know, when they nailed the ole Jesus dude to the cross, the politicians didn’t try to stop them. In the past 2000 years, however, they’ve learned how to pretend they know the words of the Bible, though they evidently miss the spirit of it entirely. With all the pretend media around these days – media that makes a reality instead of one that reflects it – that’s good enough.

“I’d rather be pretty than smart.”

“And they let you!”

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There’s my rep, Andy Biggs. He always stands in back of the others as though it might be shameful to push to the front. Is he embarassed, a shrinking violet? Is he less forceful than the others? Why the grey suit when everyone else is in blues? So many questions. Oh yes, and why isn’t he at work doing his job?

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Such brave, bold independent minds in the Dear Leader costumes.

Biggs would probably argue that supporting the former president in his ragingly unfair prosecution IS doing his job. As a Trump Fluffer, there is no nobler task than supporter the Orange Turd in his hour of need. That said, it seems the taxpayers would have a different idea of what these bootlickers’ jobs actually are.

The person holding the sign is a brave and courageous patriot. Speaking truth to power is commendable.


“This is not the first time Donald has cheated this way by claiming deductions. He claims his Trump Tower hotel was worth nothing, essentially, and then put it into another company that he has and began depreciating the value of the company. Donald has fabricated more than five dozen businesses that don’t exist and taken tax losses for them and he’s been tried twice for income tax fraud, civil fraud, not criminal, and in both cases he lost.”
– David Cay Johnston, Trump biographer, 2024

On what a billionaire’s resume looks like.

What a glorious image.

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Ivanka didn’t kiss it because Jared’s richer than Daddy and she doesn’t need or want Daddy for anything. Ivanka and Hubby got what they needed from Daddy. Now Daddy’s just a liability. An embarrassment, really. Not even good for a personal ATM any longer.

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And all will be rewarded with re-election even though many of them were there on their constituents’ dime.

It would be nice of any existing opposition would point this out during the 2024 campaign against those who are running (not all are), but will the need to stay above the fray prevent the Dems from hammering home this waste of resources?

The designation of ‘members of Congress’ is typically reserved for the members of the House of Reprehensibles.