We've Been Calling Them Weirdos For A While

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Be assured that if we’re talking about Repukes, they always like to spread it on thick.


This is where I think she might have an advantage. She is tough, not a sweet pea lamb to the slaughter. Obviously savvy enough to know what is going on and I doubt they can really shake her. Trump is in real danger here, while thinking he has home court advantage, if he fails, it will be a hard fall. At this point there is not a single new tactic that he has brought to light. He is 100 percent predictable as is Fox. As an added point to make on that, Mayor Pete has appeared on Fox and turned the tables on them readily. Trump is playable.


We here in MO had July/Aug weather in May and June. There was over a week in July where my A/C never kicked on. That’s really weird.


Forgive me in advance…

Hey Donald, who’s the p–sy who’s being grabbed now?


You score AGAIN! Bravo!!

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Too kind of you.

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Is she riding on Trump’s coattails?

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Don’t forget the big high chair the big baby will have directly behind KH, so he can make faces at her behind her back, and all cameras will still be on him.

We know this “TOXIC NEWS sponsored debate” is a farce, and a fiction of a vision of a failed old man who is desperate to stay out of jail, don’t we? To talk about it as if it was a done deal is pretty
silly and reactive of us. In my opinion.

We could just give a pitch to Mr. “Anywhere…” that for $1 Trillion cash he puts in our US Treasury, we would just grant to him the title of President of the Trump Confederacy of Dunces (TCoD) at M-A-L, and let him stay there and rule his kingdom. The Little Mouse that Squealed. See if he takes a nibble…


They don’t even call him a liar even though he lies all day, every day. He is lying liar, who lies. but his lies are untruths, or unsubstantiated, or evidence free, or some other candy coating for a lousy fucking lie.


Thanks for posting that. God, I love Joe Biden! What a mensch


Central Texas has been a bit weird. Last year we were frying for weeks. Well above average, 100 plus temps. I lost two trees since due to damage from that heat and drought.

This summer, much more moderate and maybe a bit lower on past averages. Not typical. I expect July to be tough. How August will shape up is to be seen, but we are through two months without real extremes already, a plus. We have also had a fair amount of rains since spring. We are in stage 3 conditions but the landscape is still quite green.


Mayor Pete is good on Fox, but there is no booing audience or someone trying to talk over him on those interviews.

I’m sure Harris could handle a hostile setting, I’m just wondering if it gains her anything with persuadable voters if she has to spend most of the time on defense instead of on the offense with Trump. Fox and Trump are going to make sure that’s the format of the debate.

Anyway, it may be a moot point. It looks like Harris won’t agree to even discuss a Fox News debate if he doesn’t show up for the ABC debate he agreed to. At this point, both sides may be locked into not having a debate at all.


Weird is both more and less in its meaning than a lot of people attribute to it. Weird is not just Trump’s worst. It’s his worst, like his racism, but combined with a man who rages, who hasn’t clue that he looks strange with his hairdo and his makeup, whose idea of classy decor is all gold plating and other trash, and who thinks that it’s his nonexistent sex appeal that attracts women on the make to him rather than the more mundane reality that it’s the money is what takes his nastiness and ugliness to new lows.


Ever since moderators quit making it their business as journos to correct the record, or do fact-checking in real time, and left it to the Dem candidate to clean up tRump’s lies, debates are not even worth the price of admission, which is zero, zilch, nothing to begin with.

The reason the interview (though not a debate) with the Black Journalists group was so helpful for the voter to assess tRump’s record and demeanor was because tRump was confronted with pushback on his statements and his lies when he started in on deflecting from his bullshit.

That doesn’t happen anymore in a presidential debate however. The moderators like Tapper once said, “iz not my job” to correct the record or set the boundaries. Why bother than to debate. A Faux news debate might even be a worse venue too.

Prosecutor or not, I have no doubt Harris could clean the floor with tRump if she chose to debate in a fair venue. I just don’t think journalism these days is willing to provide that type of venue anymore, with the rare exception of the Black Journalist group he just went in front of. Most of them are too kowtowed by tRump unfortunately after all these years. You can bet tRump won’t ever do that again.



So furious at the NYT. How many times have they initially put up b.s. headlines like that recently?


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson.


Chutkin denies motion to dismiss



For the umpteenth time no doubt. Frivolous caca.


There is no f’ing way Harris is going to agree to a DT mob rally debate on Fox News. That’s insane. Keep holding his feet to the fire on the debate he already committed to. If he wants to negotiate for an additional debate on Fox, demand one on MSNBC as well. And neither in some gladiator-style arena. Gawd almighty.