Vance’s History Of Extremist Remarks On Family Doesn’t Stop At ‘Childless Cat Ladies’

I think he’s riffing on his earlier claim that the big “trick” of feminism is that it just allowed women to join the awful rat race.

Women having enough independence to stand in the work force is an ongoing thing, not something that happened once back in the '60s.

Vance has a stupid diagnosis that is based on a laughably dense misunderstanding of the very basic project of feminism. It leads him to make a claim that is superficially reasonable: wage slavery is bad, so 2x wage slaves is also bad. He thinks this allows him to fuse a populist goal that is broadly accepted by most people (“bad jobs suck”), with a misogynist goal that is extremely dear to Christian patriarchy he champions (“women should have no autonomy”).

I think he’s gonna stick with this. The more we learn about Vance, the clearer it becomes that what makes him tick is religious excuses to treat women like chattel. His head is probably full of truly novel misogyny, which undoubtedly taints most of his thinking on everything.

JD Vance is what you get when you raise a kid on videos from PragerU and Jordan Peterson.


I see, so drug dealers, crack addicts, parents who have children, then beat them, thieves, murderers - all are worthier than I and deserve more votes?




Trump bragged that he has never changed a diaper. This is the disdain Trump has for actually caring for children.


So do both parents get the same votes as the number of progeny they produce, or just the husband?


That was Tina Fey.


Somewhere I saw a report that when questioned about that remark, Vance’s answer was, “Oh, I really don’t have any problem with cats.”

I guess that means his problem is really with childless women. (Does this mean that he’s OK with childless men?)

It really burns me up for him to say that if you don’t have children of your own, you have no stake in the future of the country. I don’t have children of my own, but I have nieces and nephews, and I certainly do care about their futures. And I have friends an neighbors, and I care about them and about their children’s futures, too. And I care about the future of this country because it is my country, too, and I want it to succeed because I think the values expressed in its founding documents are good for the entire world, and not because of any particular stake I or anyone in my orbit has in that success.

Vance is a misogynistic jerk who is working for a misogynistic jerk, neither of whom should ever get within a thousand miles of the keys to the kingdom.


I wouldn’t want to put money on that.

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Well, I figure they each get one for themselves, plus a bonus vote for every kid (provided they stick with their proper ‘assigned at birth’ gender, of course).

Also we’re assuming it’s a real man + woman marriage here; none of this woke “same-sex” garbage.

Naturally it’ll be the husband casting 2+N votes on behalf of the family, since he knows what’s best.


Exactly. The Republican Party is now a death cult - and I do mean cult.


“Since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance’s (R-OH) 2021 remarks describing key Democrats — including Vice President Kamala Harris — of being miserable, “childless cat ladies” who want to “make the rest of the country miserable too,” have resurfaced. Vance has been trying to shrug off the outrage over his remarks by claiming that Democrats have taken him out of context.”


Project REDMAP will be complete once the gerrymandering is applied within every personal residence.


Sarah Palin was mostly just stupid and shallow. Vance is not stupid, which makes him more dangerous, and while Sarah Palin was Republican-issue greedy, Vance is viciously mean-spirited, which also makes him more dangerous.


You don’t think they loved him in their own ways? As I recall he dumped each of them often while having sex with the next.

What has it gotten them? A chance to be buried on one of his golf courses. Immortality.


So maybe it’s the deep religious element that has enabled Vance to alienate more women in just a few weeks than pussy grabbing Trump was able to over years of nastiness.


“They’re invested in NOTHING because they’re not invested in this country’s children.” So, if you don’t have your own biological children–and no fair using IVF to get 'em–you are unable to care about the country.

When the !% hell is somebody gonna ask him about George Washington and James Madison, both childless, and knows as, respectively, the “Father of Our Country,” and “the Father of the Constitution”?

More generally, Vance is saying that only biology can be the ground of emotional and political investment in the nation. In doing so, he assumes away the entirely normal faculties of imaginative empathy and sympathy that are the source of profound political and personal investments in people like, well, George Washington and James Madison. Or in the childless young man who have willingly gone by the millions to fight and die for their country in innumerable wars.

He’s a sociopath’s idea of a good family man.


Breaking News: JD Vance Admits Changing His Underwear!


Eew, so who changes his diapers?


What’s in a name? Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance has had many of them

Of all the things that I hated about my childhood, nothing compared to the revolving door of father figures.


Serious question here - Vance and his wife both had high-powered jobs. I know they have kids, although I don’t know how old they are. Did his wife quit working to stay home and care for them? Did they hire a nanny? Send them to (gasp) daycare? Why aren’t those facts part of this reporting?