Vance’s History Of Extremist Remarks On Family Doesn’t Stop At ‘Childless Cat Ladies’

Originally published at: Vance’s History Of Extremist Remarks On Family Doesn’t Stop At ‘Childless Cat Ladies’

Since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance’s (R-OH)  2021 remarks describing key Democrats — including Vice President Kamala Harris — of being miserable, “childless cat ladies” who want to “make the rest of the country miserable too,” have resurfaced. Vance has been trying to shrug off the outrage over his remarks by…

Ok, the cat thing and everything else is just plain weird.

My apologies to any cats, especially ones shown in photos at this site, I am not referring to them.


Kids in his generation, Vance said at one 2021 event, “personally suffered from the fact that a lot of moms and dads saw marriage as a contract, like any other business deal. Once it becomes no longer good for one of the parties or both of the parties, you just dissolve it and go onto a new business relationship.”

I have never known anyone who treated marriage as a business relationship. Every dissolution I have witnessed has been a difficult process. That Vance thinks that changing marriages is just like changing underwear has never really seen a dissolution (even a no fault dissolution) up close and personal.


Vance is a freak with fascist tendencies. As long as we’re going to entertain diluting voting power, let’s scale his back ten percent for every anti-democratic screed. That’ll about eliminate his vote from a 10-minute internet search.

Then again, since I still find the idea appalling, let’s just stick to keeping him from ever holding office again, in any capacity. I wouldn’t trust him to water my plants, much less protect our nation or promote its values.


Pretty sure this guy sees marriage as a business relationship…


Does anyone know whether conservative Republicans actually do have more kids than liberal Democrats? My guess is no statistical difference. Surely there’s a study somewhere.

But Republicans as the party that cares about the future - gimme a break! They are currently all in to pump as much CO2 into the atmosphere as is humanly possible. They are actively trying to subvert even the smallest efforts to mitigate climate change, like energy efficient appliances. They sure care about their children’s future, don’t they?


I don’t know him personally but I bet his wives saw marriage as something more.


I admit Vance is a mess, but is he really worse than Sarah Palin was? I mean, I don’t think he’s yet topped “I can see Russia from my house.” Sure the ‘cat ladies’ remark was weird, but I think he at least knows who we fought during World War II.


So following this logic, TFG is going to dump Vance and go with that Duggar asshole and his asshole son who molested his younger sisters?


Melania: “This orange buffoon my way out of hell hole and working for a living.”


She hasn’t filed for dissolution yet. Maybe it is the pre-nup?

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Once a douche, always a douche.


Yeah … and in his heart, he idolizes them & wants a world order like what they sought!
… and if he was in government then - he would have been swooning over the purity of the. Aryan leadership… but would quickly add - but but but I do love my wife.


You may be right. And, yeah, when her new handlers, working to teach her World History at the eighth grade level, she knew nothing about World War II. When she asked who won and her handlers stated we did, she shouted, “Go USA!” When Blutto in his rev speech in Animal House said, “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!?” he was presaging something here. Hell we have contemporaries amongst us who are at the fucking nincompoop level of understanding basic Twentieth Century history.


Here is the accepted scholarly work on the matter


If Vance wasn’t a rank amateur at politics, he would have realized he’s walking right into the same mine field that HRC walked into with the “Deplorables” comment. Sure, one our side, we all agreed – hell yeah, they ARE deplorables! Problem was, they all proudly adopted the same slogan: Hell yeah, we ARE deplorables! Now “Childless Cat Lady” is the new rallying cry on the anti-Trump side, and Vance will never be allowed to get past it. Never, ever insult voters. You should learn that in your first run for School Board.


Vance is on to something. Maybe we could make it so that parents get full votes and childless cat people get some fraction of a vote—say, ⅗. Probably no one’s ever tried anything like it before, but I’m sure it’ll lead to great things for America.


Vance is full-on Handmaid’s Tale. (I guess I’m going to have to read it now.)

Womb surveillance and “fugitive uterus laws” are only the beginning.

I predict a lot of incels are thrilled about Vance. He’s saying he will use state power to solve the number one problem in their lives: he will make the world a harsher place with the specific goal of punishing women who refuse to accept any of their male suitors.

Vance is bought-in to the incel mythology. He blames women for the fact that a bunch of men out there have made themselves undatable by revealing themselves as misogynists, or neo-Nazis, or slobs, or just dull boors.

It would be really dangerous to empower a person who is guided by the mythology that selfish losers built up in their internet cesspools to explain away their predicament. His compass is gonna be ruled by the amorphous grievances of a uniquely spoiled and awful crowd.


Don’t mess with Cat People!


Pretty sure this is a person who should not have had children.