Vance’s History Of Extremist Remarks On Family Doesn’t Stop At ‘Childless Cat Ladies’

What all those patriotic folks in the military who happen to be childless. Apparently shedding blood for this country doesn’t count toward ‘having a stake’ in the future of this country.


“Universal day care” is class war against normal people.

Normal people didn’t go to Yale Law, and don’t have a net worth of $10 million that allows the family to hire a nanny.

Again, that he can even say this shows Vance is weird and doesn’t realize just how weird he is.


All of these weird guys are really just 1/2-step short of an incel school shooter.

Can you even imagine his internet search history?


Melania: “This orange buffoon [is] my way out of hell hole and working for a living.”


So he hates us dog moms too? I’m cool with that!!!


“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace,” – JD Vance

WTF; the sexual revolution happened in the 60s two decades before Vance was born. This guy is so weird.


The soundtrack to the 2024 Republican Party is a jug band.


This stuff is just all out war against women. He wants us all to be non-paid servants/sex slaves like the good old days. Just insane.


Looking at their positions on guns and healthcare-- they don’t seem to care about their children’s lives today.


They are so consumed with the here and now that their future is not in doubt.
Nature is showing who owns our World, not an asshole with a Sharpie, and they do not see or hear.


For the PitchBot:

Democrats: Vance’s comment about childless cat ladies is weird.

Counter Point: If not Trump and Vance, who will save us from a future ruled by desperately unhappy, childless, cat owning women?


And then I realized: JD Vance is exactly what you’d expect to get, if you trained an AI on posts from game forums.


Sure, he’s smarter but Palin’s ideas were standard Republican stuff (low taxes, “drill baby drill.”) Vance is advocating turning the clock back on everything achieved in the last 100 years.


Wait, Trump gave a rambling answer and then trailed off? Quick, someone alert the NYT, WaPo, get everyone on this! The old guy has senility issues! Wait, what was that? It doesn’t matter anymore, age isn’t an issue now and it would be rude to bring it up and point out Trump’s frailty and failings? Uh, ok…

As for Vance, it’s clear he has issues related to how he was brought up, which was pretty bad, it sounds like he came from a broken family. But, the answer to that is therapy, not to denigrate women in general and women without children in particular. And the argument that universal daycare is an insult to “normal” people is infuriating, lots of us send our kids to daycare because we can’t afford to keep them at home, there’s no choice in the matter. I’d be just fine raising my daughter on our own if we could afford it, but we also send her to a really excellent daycare related to my work where she’s getting a world of experiences and blossoming…universal daycare would give every family a chance at having as good of a daycare experience and help their kids to grow.

It’s also a bit of theater…if you believe all the Christian evangelical dogma then you want to start kids young on it, and keep them from influences like a daycare which might have lots of different people and opinions floating around. All of their opinions center around forcing the nation into their worldview, which limits the options for anyone who isn’t them severely. It’s not a nation I would want my daughter to grow up in, and it’s a nation that would probably deport my immigrant wife…their worldview is not going to make America great, it’s going to tear it down.


Sometimes we forget that HRC said that “deplorables” comment exactly twice and both were private fundraisers. Imagine if there were a similar firehose of content–HRC fleshing out her theories about the deplorables on podcasts, in blogs, in TV interviews? And then refusing to walk it back?

So, these things are really not the same. Also, she was right.


Remember, Palin actually never said that, it was Tina Fey…but it was so spot on that everyone believed it. It looks like Vance is being defined by the awful things he said in the past, which is great as it seems rare that Republicans are held accountable for the awful things they constantly say.


I guess that makes Vance a hero to all the incels who only have their couch for emotional support on Friday night.




Trump trailed off.

To be fair, Trump has little understanding of family.


and the large language model said: “This is one the the great tricks that I think Vance pulled on his chicken.”