Twitter Users Blast Politico For Giving Ben Shapiro The Keys To Playbook Newsletter | Talking Points Memo

Hey, Joe Biden was in charge of counting his votes. I heard it on Fox News. Seriously. It happened. It’s a thing.

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The “Flat Earth Society” has members all around the globe.


I also heard that the electronic devices used to count the impeachment votes yesterday were rigged by Ho Chi Minh.


In fact, the World Turtle at the top of the pile has been Senate Majority Leader for far too long.


That has nothing at all to do with centrism.


So maybe this is why John Bresnahan, left, Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman left Politico to start Punchbowl. This article was before January 6th.

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Hoarsewhisperer had a bunch of tweets ranting at Politico!

The image below I got from an Aunt Crabby Tweet

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Charles Pierce of Esquire is gonna have a ball with this one. LOL!


Shapiro and Turning Point USA helped organize and pay for the terrorist insurrection last Wed… He and everyone in that organization is a terrorist. Media outlets like Politico need to stop treating them as if they are a purely political organization. What the f— will it take for those outlets to change their tune when violent Republicans act out like this?


Why are these people “confused”?

Politico has given “Journalistic Cover” to White Supremacists, Racists, Misogynists, and Trump for YEARS.

Even worse than Politico is “The Daily Beast” which is outright Fascist in it’s spin.

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I bet if a horde of violent, armed insurrectionists invaded the nation’s Capitol building and killed some people you’d see a change of heart.



Sure, but part of the game here is focusing on the libs who are making too much of this, instead of the real issue. Shift the attention from the significance of carrying restraints for kidnappings, to the fact that liberals are exaggerating and crying about “zip ties”, like I have in my kitchen (those liberals are so silly…). It’s similar to the misdirection when talking to gun nuts who argue using the term “magazine” over “clip”, as if it has substance.

It’s a call to the tribal identity to misdirect. Sure, those militia guys are bad… but hey, don’t forget how crazy those out of tribe liberals are! “Zip ties” !!! Amirite?!? Focus your hate on them instead of rationally addressing the real problem.

Shapiro does this stuff all the time. He got his start sucking up to the conservative hate machine, and really has never stopped since around puberty. He’s a product, a Frankenstein’s Monster just like Trump, of the conservative movement. Conservative commentator? He’s a golem created by the movement to do it’s bidding, not a commenter or thought leader. And he’s considered an intellectual in the bunch, so…


I still recall Ben Shapiro’s genius response to the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change. Ben is about 17 ounces short of a pound cake:


He is the Ted Cruz of online hacks. So, what, Tucker’s price was too high? Shapiro is sort of a poor man’s Tucker.


But without the charm or intellectual heft.


It’s classic Shapiro. Just make shit up and then verify it with made up shit.

The recently he tweeted that Treyvon Martin would be 21 except he beat a man’s head against the concrete and had to be shot.

“”“The wounds displayed on Zimmerman’s head and face were “consistent with one strike, two injuries at one time,” she testified. “The injuries were not life-threatening,” she said, adding they were “very insignificant.””""

That’s what Dr. Rao, the medical examiner said. Shapiro wanted to make a pro killing Black guys point so he grossly exaggerated the facts he based his lie on. He lied to justify a lie.

Today he yakked about zip ties and how everyone normal has them. As you pointed out those were not zip ties. They’re call Cuff Ties, don’t look like zip ties at all but who that does own zip ties carries them around with them like the asshole in the picture? Classic Shapiro. Again just make it up. Distort it and put it out there in arrogant, know it all tenor.

Why do folks admire this liar? He’s so easy to see through.


The replies to Ryan Lizza’s Tweet extolling the wonder of Ben Shapiro have not been kind. Thank goodness!

Of course, Shapiro just thinks being so hated shows how right he is, instead of how much of an asshole he is.


I’d have to agree. It’s a common misconception though. “Centrism” is not the same as believing “all the answers and compromises must, by definition, lie in the middle/center of the two stated positions.”

That misconception is, in fact, what the GOP has preyed on for DECADES and why they have made a concerted, organized and deliberate effort to radicalize their base for DECADES.

To dig up and adulterate the analogy I used here when Obama was elected:

Salt shaker: Dems/liberals positions
Pepper mill: GOP/conservative positions
Table: Overton Window

Take your salt shaker and pepper mill and put them on the table.

Mark the center point between them.

Now, leaving the salt shaker where it sits, grab your pepper mill, stand up, walk to the front door, open it, step outside and throw the pepper mill as far down the street as you can.

Mark the new center point between them.

This is what the GOP has done and why the GOP engages in a constant propaganda barrage of false equivalence, bothsiderism, whataboutism and projection…“Rove’s Rule No. 1” of always accusing the other guy of what you yourself are doing, etc. This is why the GOP couples it with non-stop false attacks on “liberal media bias”. This is why the MSM cowered in fear and adopted the false equivalence, bothsiderism, etc. etc., paradigm, entirely misconstruing the actual bias of false equivalence with an absence of bias, all in order to protect its advertising revenue from the false accusations of bias. It has so very deeply damaged the country and represents an abandonment of the Fourth Estate’s guardpost. It has taught and encouraged an entire generation of journalists and Americans to believe that no matter what both sides are saying, both must be treated as legitimate and still located somewhere on the table…within the Overton Window. Thus, if both sides are auto-legitimate and presumably still located on the table, within the Overton Window, then compromise and answers simply MUST lie somewhere in the middle, no? No. Not even close. The middle is actually now off the table, down the street, outside the Overton Window, probably marked by some dog poop your neighbor failed to pick up.

The reality is that the GOP fled the table…fled the Overton Window…continues to do so…and through laziness, dishonesty, corporate greed and cowardice, the MSM helped them create a false Overton Window 3 blocks down the street, leaving the real one looking like extremism. As a result, poll results show shit like 70%+ support for some form of public healthcare option or whatever, but the media and voters treat shrieks of “socialism” in response to that policy as accurate and legitimate due to the “false center” that’s been created…AND THEN THE VOTERS VOTE FOR THE SHRIEKERS.




I have met many, many, young men like this.