Twitter Users Blast Politico For Giving Ben Shapiro The Keys To Playbook Newsletter | Talking Points Memo

Why do people promote this asshole? There’s a difference between a Flex Cuff ties ( what the guy in the capitol was carrying ) and Zip ties and Shapiro knows that. Yet he promotes the false equivalency. What is so “intelligent” about that? How is that the talk of a great mind…a thinker. It’s not. He’s a smooth yakking bullshit artist with a fixed point of view. The world is as he sees it…there is no other way.

He comes across to me as a very average partisan.


They don’t call it “Tiger Beat on the Potomac” for nothing, y’know.


Literally every regular human I know owns zip ties.

Those were zip-tie handcuffs used by law enforcement, not the type of zip ties most people own.


Shapiro’s guest authoring of “Playbook” was published a day after he brushed off the deadly insurrection of the Capitol riots last week by nonsensically claiming that it’s common practice for everyone to own zip ties.

Zip ties are the duct tape of Super Glue.


I hadn’t looked at the byline and started reading - it was clear that whoever was writing this was incredibly disingenuous and making excuses for the insurrectionists and the insurrectionist in chief and his enablers. At some point I just had to see who was writing and I saw Shapiro’s name. I was really shocked that a reputable site like Politico would use a hack like him… Glad I’m not alone.


His entire schtick is to say incredibly dumb things while looking around himself with the most self-satisfied arrogant smirk you will ever see on a human face.


Sorry, but Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton pretty much have that concession to themselves.


There are so many great Shapiro WAP memes.


I wonder if Miller or Shapiro ever get push-back from their rabbis. I would hope so. Having someone so toxic and notorious like that in their congregation would taint their whole enterprise.


I doubt that either is observant.


What a joke. All he did was use their platform to pee all over their readers like a toddler, then insist that anyone who complained was proving his point that people hate being peed on by toddlers.

Thanks Politico for showing us yet again why centrism doesn’t work. If one chef wants to make an apple pie and his enemy wants to make a shit pie because he’s a nihilist who hates all chefs, forcing them to work together will only produce shit pie. But since trolls bring viewers, that’s what the media gives us.


Free ham is not a conundrum.

I just noticed the Shapiro by-line early this morning, and I swore off Politico once and for all. They went off my quick bar months ago, though, so they’ve been on the outs for some time. That Shapiro by-line, though, that REALLY seals the deal. I’m not even going to stop by anymore.




I made this mistake at first too, BUT PLEASE STOP CALLING THEM ZIP TIES. They are LITERALLY something else and are called “FLEX CUFFS” (PlastiCuffs, FlexiCuffs, etc.).

Equating them with the shit people use to close a bread bag or Glad Bag is nothing but thoroughly dishonest.

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Right on!
Politico is ground zero for “Democrats in disarray” journalism.


It’s a target rich environment.

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“The Rectification of Names:
Rule 6*: Be kind to our language.
I have headed this advise before I have decided that I must call the thing what it is by it’s name (The Rectification of Names). When the homophobic racist right wing urban hipster secular Jew Michael “Savage” Wiener advocated extra-judicial violence against ‘the libs’ in the early '90s on KSFO, I stopped witnessing him and determined to call him evermore what he is: a “Fascist Pig”. If Extra-judicial violence is NOT the beating heart of fascism it mist be the heart’s aorta. Thereafter comes Mark Levin- fulsome confessor to his Jewish faith- “owning the libs” with vulgar juvenile jokes about citizens physical appearance, prattling on about his superior morals and virtue, and performing bazaar legal arguments with his JD degree on the US Constitution that would match the bazaar eugenic medical experiments of Dr. Joseph Mengele. Rectification of Names: “Vulgar Fascist Pig” Mark Levin. Comes now prays-quite-loudly-in-public Ben Shapiro with very much talk about his moral superiority and a breath taking dismissal of any opinion but his own and I’m just out of names. So I will try be kind with my words and never call these guys 'Nazis” but call them what they are: Fascists.

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
Book by Prof Timothy D. Snyder


If a publication tells you what they are, believe them.

Shapiro is a subhuman animal, like all Republicans.

PS: Much has been made of Stacy Abrahms not conceding. One of the few times not conceding is appropriate is when the WINNER COUNTED THE VOTES.


Tiring. The dangers of false equivalence, bothsiderism, whataboutism and advertising-revenue-is-the-arbiter-of-truth “journalism” still haven’t sunk in for the MSM and “news” outlets. They have learned absolutely nothing in the past 20 years or, in particular, from the past 4. NOTHING.

There is literally nothing about Ben Shapiro that is legitimate. Nothing. He is a pseudo-intellectual grifting fraud on every single imaginable level.