TRUTH Social Hit With Legal Letter | Talking Points Memo

Oh, but he certainly does fantasize about violence. He seems to think of little else.


No I hadn’t but I like it a lot.


Fat lot of good that’s gonna do. The money’s too good. Kap was an outlier when it comes to integrity.

That’s what you have capos, dons and mooks for.


I read it on ESPN yesterday. I was kinda surprised they, ESPN, only had it on the sidebar and not as a top news item. I mean, a major national org suggests boycotting Texas and they downplayed it.


And who exactly has the sinister talents he needs for this, and how does he recruit and pay them? If that sort of thing were in his skill set, would things have played out as they pretty consistently did the past six years? You keep expecting to see hyper-competence in rocky, thin soil where even everyday competence doesn’t seem to thrive.


It might blow up into a bigger story if athletes start refusing Texas teams.


He keeps ascribing to the MFWWNBN who is totally incompetent and who has incompetent people around him, super powers he does not have, never has had and never will have.


Your perpetual helplessness and defeatism are so boring. Bye.

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We see them succeed all the time. Their surgery-like gerrymandering is done with the precision of a scalpel. All he needs is some code-monkey who knows how to use Mastadon and design algorithms meant to achieve their purposes. Oranjina never has to touch a keyboard, just get on the phone with the people throwing millions at whatever he does in hopes he’s able to deliver them their white Christian ethno-state. Is all of it likely to fail ridiculously? Sure. But “succeeding” at taking the open platform and coding your way to intentionally doing with algorithms what FB was supposedly doing by accident…there’s nothing stopping them from doing that. Will they finally get to implement it? Probably not. But that’s not the point I was making. The point I was making was that the algorithm thing might very well be part of their reason for so fervently violating the requirements of the license. They don’t want anyone peeking behind that curtain for a reason. Do I know what that reason is beyond just the usual “I own everything I touch because I’m Trump” nonsense? No. But I’m not making an unreasonable conjecture here.

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Hmmmm, interesting! Thanks for the journo-sleuthing!

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What a Joke


He felt like he’d been taken advantage of because he had been taken advantage of. I don’t know why didn’t just say it flat out. He was used and discarded like a tissue.


Erm… Facebook was doing this by intention as leaked documents show. They knew perfectly well their platform was driving their users toward particular sites and groups. It was a feature, not a bug.


Your resort to ad hominem is predictable and pathetic.

There’s nothing “helpless” or “defeatist” about predicting how it will play out before he’s run to ground. I’m not personally involved and have no control or influence over how it plays out nor its outcome. Moreover, he’s succeeded at it all his life, even when he ultimately loses. You’re the one predicting that somehow, magically, this time will be different. Maybe it will. That’s certainly a possibility. But past is generally prologue.

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Not unreasonable, no. It’s conceivable, I suppose. But Occam’s razor says incompetence. And I don’t mean “them.” “They” have been gerrymandering for centuries, and now they have all kinds of data to help. I mean the Trump gang. It’s just as reasonable to conjecture that they’re reflexive non-cooperators; it’s all oh yeah? Sez who? Remember the charming character Michael Cohen was when first we encountered him? You print derogatory true stuff about my boss, what I’m going to do to you will be fucking disgusting yadda yadda.


“supposedly”…I think I put “accident” in quotes at least once too. I meant it as mocking their excuse-making. They got caught and now they’re getting forced to undo it because people aren’t happy about it. Soooo, if you’re Trump and you’ve tasked your little cabal of neofascist code-monkeys with repeating what FB did, do you obey the requirements of the license and make public that you’re doing it?

Until, you know…

Well, they are so incompetent, they are looking at a cease and desist, prior to launching, right? What are you trying to convince me of? Their supposed algo is super duper and more effective at mind control than Facebook? They are already zombies.

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We certainly agree there. Still, you guys are way too fucking bent on not letting anyone have any fucking fun with ideas. I’m not suggesting anything crazy or that would surprise anyone if it came out as true, but you have to cling to “incompetence and only incompetence” because it’s comforting.