TRUTH Social Hit With Legal Letter | Talking Points Memo

Oh… so all this rage you express is ‘I’m just kidding’… you’d never know that from your reactions.


It’s probably a bunch of remaindered rackmount servers in the CEO’s garage.

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I think it’s highly unlikely that there’s any sort of sophisticated algorithms that team TFG has come up with here.

The only business ventures that he’s even attempted to get into since the predictable collapse of his casino projects are trivial branding exercises. This whole operation is just “Trump Steaks: Virtual Edition”.


Uh, no. I never even hinted at any such thing about them being more effective than FB. FB was already mindblowingly effective…probably not much room for improvement. You seem to like deliberately misinterpreting things. I’m simply saying that it’s possible one reason they don’t want to comply with the license requirement is that they might be trying to replicate what FB did and, watching FB get excoriated for it and public opinion turn on them and have to change or abandon their algorithms, they don’t want to suffer the same fate. There is absolutely nothing whacky about that idea.

Another deliberate misinterpretation. I threw an idea out there. It’s not a crazy idea and it’s not magically explained away by yelling “incompetence and incompetence only”…same as when people yell that about all sorts of other ideas because believing we’re smarter and more competent and that the only people who understand anything and that nothing the GQP Trump KKKult could ever do could possibly succeed is a fucking confirmation bias blanky. What I suggested could very well be part of what’s happening. None of us knows one way or the other.

In my observation, incompetence is most often the explanation that seems to fit the most facts.

And being among a group of people having fun with ideas is one of the things I live for. Sometimes if I don’t entirely agree I’ll ask for a plausible defense of the ideas. I think that sort of give and take is also fun.


This is what you call having fun with ideas? You are never ever on any side other than ultimate destruction via Trumpism. That ain’t fun as far as I’m concerned.

You could open up your viewpoint to new ways of seeing things and have some actual real fun with them by thinking differently just once in awhile…


Context matters. Finding a right wing coder isn’t a needle in the haystack, and someone in the circle (doesn’t have to be Trump himself) connecting the dots between “FB very effectively created a propaganda deliver machine” to “we should do what they did”’ could be done by a monkey…especially in the context of them already no doubt viewing the entire enterprise as their attempt to create the propaganda machine they wanted FB to be, but which was being taken from them by enforcement of TOS and EULA agreements and social pressure on companies like FB and Twitter to stop what was happening with things like COVID and vaccine disinformation.

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Your entire mien is to imply this thread is worse than Trump on Facebook.

As if I was only using this thread as an example and not the dozens of others were you express extreme rage. You seem like one of those folks that just rage, to rage.

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Ugh. That pretty much sums the markets up, especially in this manic phase.


He wouldn’t know the first thing about it. If Parscale or anyone else in his orbit had been either minimally competent or honest, he wouldn’t be in so much trouble.


All you have to do is wait a few minutes and you’ll contradict yourself.


Sure. That all could be possible. But here’s the flaw in the plan: They did all this sinister jerry-rigging on open-source software part of which of the deal for use is that you have to show people what you’re doing to it, if anything. Seems like an oopsie in the mix there. Just saying.


on the Ptomac


Good grief. The idea we’re discussing has nothing to do with “destruction via Trumpism”. I was just proposing an additional reason for them refusing to obey the license agreement. I asked myself “what could possibly be the reason for them so adamantly refusing to disclose whatever changes they’ve made to the code?” I came up with several ideas that were crap, but this one seemed plausible, so I threw it out there, and I think it’s has a reasonable likelihood of being true.

Frankly, I have no idea why it gets people butthurt to think that Trump and his little cabal, in the midst of trying to create a propaganda machine mimicking FB and Twitter…and intended to directly compete with those platforms and provide a place where they could do everything FB and Twitter wouldn’t let them do and everything FB is now getting in trouble for doing…wouldn’t also try to mimic FB’s algorithms that were so effective in disseminating propaganda and creating indoctrination echo chambers where acceptance of the disinformation is rewarded though positive social reinforcement.

That shouldn’t be a controversial fucking idea on any level, because it makes perfect sense. But it is controversial and it did get your backs up, because it suggests to you a level of basic competence you are entirely uncomfortable accepting, because you’ve all decided to cling desperately to the comforting idea that “it’ll never happen”, “they’ll never do that”, “it could never happen here”, “they could never succeed” about all of it.

Newsflash: It’s happening. It’s happening all around us. It’s happening right in front of your faces.


The facial “wtf” expressions!


aided and abetted by mainstream broadcast media
And let’s take a moment to bow our heads in prayer over Mark Burnett and remember that if it wasn’t for him and his bastard show, 45* would be just another cheap NYC real-estate hustler.


but he invariably fails upwards, so it’s not like we all get this morality tale out of it. the lesson of his entire existence is “mistreat everyone, lie, pick unwinnable fights, complain endlessly, and you’ll be a success!”

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‘The Market’ being wealthy chaos agents here and abroad propping up their tool.

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’ I want to touch an indian.’