TRUTH Social Hit With Legal Letter | Talking Points Memo

Former President Donald Trump’s new TRUTH social network is in violation of the software license it’s built on and must get in compliance, the holder of the license demanded this week.

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Following the law, not cheating someone and doing things the right way isn’t in Trump’s DNA. He just doesn’t have it in him.


Agreed about “not in his DNA.” These are cheap grifters so stupid that–in the age of “google as a verb,” FFS!–they serially plagiarized from published speeches and prose.


Nope. He’ll tell them to fuck off and Do You Know Who I Am? and he’ll get cancelled.


The letter, sent on Tuesday, triggers a 30-day response period for Trump to comply with the terms of the license.

Crime pays monthly.


Not only Big Tech is trying to silence Trump, but now Little Tech is giving it a shot as well!


Insolent children. They never learn.


Never going to comply. Have fun going broke while they run you in circles in court. Trump and his GQP KKKult have looked at everything we’ve discovered about Facebook’s algorithms and their “failures” that function to promote extremist nonsense, hate propaganda and foreign election interference intended to assist GQP candidates the same way they look at things like 1984 and Mein Kampf: instruction manual.


I am convinced he enjoys using other people’s IP without paying for it or without their permission. The more the other people protest, the happier he is. Just ask the Village People and the Rolling Stones.

ETA: And it runs in the family…just ask Michelle Obama and the shoe designers that Ivanka ripped off.


Don’t be silly. This is a slam-dunk injunction case. If he doesn’t comply, Trump will get shut down in a heartbeat and a half.


I will gladly abide by your license Tuesday for my half baked truths and some hamberders today!



Thinking about it, if they hosted their social networking site (such as it is) on their own servers, then yes, they could thumb their noses at this for a couple years while dumping the stock. But nobody below a certain scale does that any more and I really doubt their people have the chops to do their own hosting. They’ll be renting servers from AWS, et al. And AWS has no interest in being an accessory to this and will drop them faster than you can say “parler goes dark”.


Trump is banking on his lawyers spending the software owner into submission. It is part of his business model. What he misjudges is the owner has no choice but to fight or his license is rendered worthless.


He’ll be ordered to, sure. I said he won’t comply. The Court could feasibly order the relevant third-parties to deny him access to the interwebs, sure, but that doesn’t mean that Trump’s people won’t still be in the back rooms playing with the software in violation of the license while they appeal and appeal and appeal and try to run it up to the SCOTUS on some nonsense about the First Amendment or whatever. They’ll probably counter sue as well. Frivolity doesn’t stop them. They’d don’t give a fuck. They will make it as expensive as they possibly can for these people to defend their license rights.


Another option could be to cease use of the code – requiring them to spend the massive amount of time and money it takes to build a social network from scratch.

That’s not really accurate because they’re going to have to do that anyway, regardless of what happens with Mastodon. That’s not really all that critical, they could swap in another site without much trouble.

The other missing parts are phone apps to access the site, and a cloud services host like AWS to run the back-end servers and bandwidth. That’s expensive, and has to conform to terms and conditions that Trump will hate. They also have to find a DDoS firewall provider.

As far as I know, TRUTH social hasn’t gotten this far yet, which is one indication that it’s a just a meme stock scam. Putting up a demo web site with open source software doesn’t mean anything. It’s like showing an artist’s rendering of a new office building you’re going to to open, without actually building anything.


That is what you would think, but remember all those judges Mitch put on the bench? They don’t have to make a bad ruling to make the holder miserable.


Who could have predicted TRUTH would be built on a lie and a fraud? What’s that? Literally everyone? Oh. Ok.


Amoral theiving scum gonna be amoral theiving scum.


Failure to comply with an injunction order would be a very bad idea that subjects the company to all sorts of remedies that are far more painful than just posting the code on Github.


This is likely more about the incompetence of those who set up the site. Since this is now a publicly traded company with shareholders, it can’t afford to ignore this legal demand or to try to avoid it. The big question is what is the downside to the company if it complies with the requirements for being properly licensed?