TRUTH Social Hit With Legal Letter | Talking Points Memo

As someone who works with open source software, I don’t see this shutting them down. I suspect will post the code and change their TOS document on day 29. Trump will have deeper pockets than the software license holders, who won’t have much of a case anyway.

Sorry, I hate the bastard too. The upside is that this social network is nearly guaranteed to fail, like the vast majority of social networks people have come up with.


Go after his hosting company.


“Compliance” is the key word. It is simply not in their vocabulary, like “empathy”.
Just not there.


It would be a real bitch if the developers update their EULA, and then use a back door to obtain, then leak names of all the true-believers who sign up for this propaganda.


He could change companies that do basic web hosting very quickly.

The big obstacle to setting up a site like this is the cloud services provider, which can shut down a site in a heartbeat like AWS did to Parler. As far as I know, TRUTH hasn’t contracted with a cloud service yet to become an actual “live” social media platform, instead of just a signup web page. And it never will, if it’s just a stock scam.


I recall his having screamed numerous times about China’s stealing American IP.


“An artists rendering”
In this case, a con artists rendering.


Compliance with the license is pretty simple, assuming they haven’t made huge changes to the site code. My guess is that it’s mostly cosmetic changes, so posting the Mastodon code with their CSS changes would be sufficient.

Note that the license does not cover things like logos, images, trademarks, etc… it’s strictly about the code.

Now if they hacked in a bunch of new features the downside is that any “competition” would be able to use your code as well, without your permission (note, they could not make an exact duplicate because the logos and such aren’t included and have their own copyright)


“If they never want to give the source code to anybody, they could just not use Mastodon,” Kuhn told TPM. “Ceasing use is always an option for compliance.”

I suppose Trump and his minions
‘ceasing use’ of air, would be an option for compliance.


The code is literally free to all to use, but when Trump uses it he has to make it into a dick move that results in legal action. This isn’t some central Jersey rug dealer he’s trying to screw over by underpaying or whatever. The product is free. And yet here we are.


Master of his Ptomaine.


If it’s free, I taketh for thee.

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TFG has stolen other peoples’ everything, all his life: other peoples’ toys, other peoples’ money, other peoples’ IP, other peoples’ pussies, other peoples’ jobs, other peoples’ test scores, other peoples’ music, other peoples’ words… everything. His children have learned that pretty well, too.

This is nothing new. And he’s always gotten away with it.


RightForge is the company hosting -

Their site touts an imperial-shit-ton of freedom.


I will never forget the story of the music store owner who TFG screwed over for pianos for the Taj Mahal.

I was thrilled to get a $100,000 contract from Trump. It was one of the biggest sales I’d ever made. I was supposed to deliver and tune the pianos; the Trump corporation would pay me within 90 days. I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”

But when I requested payment, the Trump corporation hemmed and hawed. Its executives avoided my calls and crafted excuses. After a couple of months, I got a letter telling me that the casino was short on funds. They would pay 70 percent of what they owed me. There was no negotiating. I didn’t know what to do — I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation, and I needed money to pay my piano suppliers. So I took the $70,000.

Losing $30,000 was a big hit to me and my family. The profit from Trump was meant to be a big part of my salary for the year. So I made much less. There was no money to help grow my business. I had fewer pianos in the showroom and a smaller advertising budget. Because of Trump, my store stagnated for a couple of years. It made me feel really bad, like I’d been taken advantage of. I was embarrassed.

Today, when I hear Trump brag about paying small business owners less than he agreed, I get angry. He’s always suggesting that the people who worked for him didn’t do the right job, didn’t complete their work on time, that something was wrong. But I delivered quality pianos, tuned and ready to go. I did everything right. And then Trump cheated me. It’s a callous way to do business.


OT but hilarious:


Italian translator: Trump vs. Biden

— The Recount (@therecount) October 29, 2021

It almost makes you wonder what they have done to the code that they don’t want revealed. Just what are they doing with user’s information?



I do not doubt that TFG will enjoy all his potential, possible, and several totally impossible routes of appeal. However, this is a clear violation of the license agreement and not a squishy first ammendment issue so the law is clear. Also, the court has reliable and proven 3rd parties to help ensure compliance ie: payment processors, server hosts, DNS registers, etc.

It always possible that they comply with the license. That would cost nothing.

The other thought is that this grift has potentially already run its course… they already made a BOATLOAD of money off the spac pump and dump. Why do the work when they already got paid?


So dial-up modems?

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