TRUTH Social Hit With Legal Letter | Talking Points Memo


The difference in her reactions speaks volumes. Here’s screen capture. The whole clip is worth watching.


But seriously folks, this is a microcosmic view of what’s so fundamentally flawed in Trump’s whole routine and why his life is such a series of spectacular failures. It’s all governed by his personality disorder. He thinks he should do Big Stuff, so he tries to do that. But he’s also pathologically aggressive and domineering, everything is a conflict in which he must win and you must lose, and so he alienates pretty much everyone he deals with. He kept defaulting on his loans and eventually no legitimate bank would lend him money. After that he did a bunch of penny-ante stuff like the steaks and bottled water and none of that panned out either. If it weren’t for The Apprentice, in which he drew on a lifetime of experience pretending to be a rich businessman, he probably would have sunk beneath the waves. The people who see him as this unkillable vampire aren’t really considering how much of an incredible serial failure he is and how it’s partly caused by this obsessive conflict instigation. All he has to do is follow one stupid rule. And yet off we go to court, and very likely a conflict with a judge he can’t win. It’s incredibly maladaptive. It harms him. But he can’t not do it. And so the failure continues.


Someone needs to snatch up


I think so.


As of 1:15, trading volume on DWAC, the stock for Digital World Acquisition which is supposed to launch “Truth” Social suddenly spiked about 20 fold, along with a big jump in price. It’s like the investors are happy that Trump is a fucking pirate. No surprise I guess. The market in general has been totally manic, with no amount of bad news about tech stock, inflation, nothing causing a drop. There is too much free money sloshing around out there. It’s absolutely disgusting.


Years ago a guy bought a B&B in a nearby municipality that had been grandfathered into a residential zone. He started holding weddings there, the neighbors freaked out, and he came to the township officials the soul of wounded innocence. He’d bought the property assuming he could have weddings there, that was the business model, can you change the zoning pretty please? No, was the answer. Now he’s not so innocent. He’ll have the weddings anyway, he says, and pay the fine, which was like $300. So the township took him to county court and the judge gave him an injunction with some pretty sharp teeth in it. No further weddings were held.


Trump is more likely to sell the source code as his own than to comply with the license or stop using it.


He’s going to have a hard time selling it if it’s the subject of an injunction.


It’s been apparent for quite some time that TFG genuinely considers himself above the laws that apply to the hoi polloi.


I took a quick look at Rightforge. The company says it offers “enterprise business services, Wordpress website hosting and domain registration.” Wordpress? That’s not exactly an AWS-scale service, so it will be interesting to see if this is a real host or just a Potemkin Village host.

The CEO’s LinkedIn page says he’s been with the company only since January, and he wrote an op-ed for Newsweek in February about the need for an alternative to Big Tech censoring conservatives. The TMTG scheme was apparently hatched in February. I’d say chances are good this is part of the financial scam and not a real cloud services platform host with any experience in the biz, but we’ll see.


I thought Trump already failed at blogging.


I’m guessing a lot of these people get carried away just to see that project in the news.


Bragging about not losing any supporters by shooting someone in the middle of 5th Ave may have been an admission.




He is too much of a coward to shoot anyone or anything.


Civil contempt and fines. Meh. What do they care when they have billionaires backing them to pay the fines? It’s extremely hard to get someone incarcerated for civil contempt and likewise very difficult to get a criminal contempt order. Trump and his minions have spent the past 50 years running courts and their adverse parties in circles for years, maybe even decades at a time. Nothing about this suggests to me that they won’t have the same success at it they always have, at least for several months or a couple years or so.

I think it’s also probably related to what I said above. The FB and Twitter algorithm screwups that result in actually assisting extremist recruitment, disinformation dissemination, foreign assistance to GQPers in the elections, etc., are seen as an instruction manual for turning a social media platform into an indoctrination tool. For them to release what they’ve done with the code and their own algorithms would instantly result in a whole bunch of coders out there pointing out that they’ve deliberately designed the thing from the ground up to function as a massive extremist propaganda and societal brainwashing operation in every way we’re now complaining about FB supposedly having done by “accident”.

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Have you heard about this??




Bragging about sexually assaulting women at will…