Trump's Obsession With Violence Becomes More Explicit

“Pastor” Greg needs his tax exemption yanked for political activities.

Actually just yank it for all religious organizations.


Watch Biden’s address about Hurricane Helene:

Live: President Joe Biden to address Hurricane Helene’s impact on Florida, federal response (

or here PBS
WATCH LIVE: Biden delivers remarks on response efforts in wake of Hurricane Helene - YouTube


Somebody made the mistake of telling Trump about The Purge. Now he thinks it’s a real thing, like Hannibal Lecter.


Happy to hear GA Gov listing all the Dems he’s been in touch with.

Estimated 5000 poles that are damaged.


He did the same thing in Aug, 2016 in LA after flooding there. He and Pence had a photo op where they drove in on an 18 wheeler, handed out stuff and put some sandbags on a pile. He got a lot of milage out of it. Thing is. These stunts often don’t work the second time around.

A day earlier Louisiana’s governor, John Bel Edwards, had warned Trump not to show up in Louisiana “for a photo op”. Instead, he said, Trump should volunteer and make donations.

Edwards also defended the delayed visit by Obama, who has come under heavy criticism locally for not interrupting his vacation to come tour the disaster area.

The photo opportunity is a time-honored political maneuver after a natural disaster, and Trump put his own spin on it, traveling with an 18-wheel transfer truck full of supplies to hand out to crowds.


Religious perversion, religious pornography.


My dad has a story about being invited by country Joe to go to a party, and at that party he smoked a joint with Janis Joplin. I’m thinking about that story now as Kris Kristofferson is now dead, so is Janis, so is my father.


He does have something to say, something that resonates with MAGA. “Demonize your opponents.” There had been a political gap prior to 1995, but Newt kicked off a whole new generation of othering people who disagreed with him. He’s the prototype for Trump, MAGA, the Tea Party and a whole host of violent bigoted language that drives the political divide deeper.


The Devil is in the details, dontcha know?


Newt returns reporters’ phone calls and gives them quotes that they can use.

As long as those two things are true, reporters will keep calling.


For those of you not tuned in to the ultra-secret stuff Bill Clinton wrought…


We need to convince the “It snowed today so climate change is a hoax.” people. I’m not sure how you do that without getting them to look beyond the here and now. The problem with that is they do look back, with some kind of goggle that airbrushes out everything they don’t like and creates a golden age where every kid had a pony.


Does he have a shit eating grin?


So basically Fat Hitler is calling for a Racial Purge, or America’s very own Kristallnacht.

But we can’t say what’s staring us in the face. That wouldn’t be “professional.”

I swear to fucking Christ I wish every so-called journalist would chip in together and buy a pair they can collectively share since they seem unable to grow a pair of their own.


Here in northern Vermont, we have yet to have a frost. When I first moved to my current house, the first frost would arrive around Sept. 10 with the occasional nip as early as late August. Judging from our current long-term weather forecast, it will be several more weeks before we have to think about covering the tomatoes. Our last frost in Spring has also moved way up. All told, we get 4 to 6 additional weeks of growing season in just 40 years. And that doesn’t even address how much hotter our summer days and nights have become.


President Biden will be talking shortly about Helene. It will be on MSNBC.

Speaking of the President. I was APPALLED at how Dana Carvey parodied him on SNL.

What the hell? He stepped down. Give it a fucking rest.

That is all.


Assuming Harris wins, can we get a real AG between the election and the new Senate being seated? Because if the Dems lose the Senate anybody that’s not called Bill Barr will be too “left wing socialist witch hunt” to be appointed?


“Never” is a long time.

Southwest goes through a roughly 500-year weather cycle, we’ve been at the start (or pick a starting line) of the bad part of it for the last 30 years or so.

Which is part of the issue with getting folks on board. Too much crying wolf out there and everything gets labeled as man-made change when there are other underlying factors as well.

More nuanced would be that there are these larger natural cycles, and all the stuff we’re doing definitely isn’t helping, and almost assuredly exacerbating the level and speed of impact, but not what too-often gets messaged, like none of it would be happening at all.

Asheville, NC, getting wiped out this weekend, for example. Climate change enthusiasts were all over how unprecedented this is, climate change, yadda yadda yadda.

Which kinda gets tempered by the fact that Asheville was similarly wiped out… In 1916.


And then there’s a Rethug led House of Representatives that had to rush home to campaign on _______?

Worst performing and least legislative achievements since the Civil War. Don’t reward the bums. Vote them out.


Hopefully, the moderators will go over the rules and make it clear that Vance demanded there be no fact checking during the debate and that all the fact checking will be done on programs after the debate. That’s when most of it happens anyway.