Trump Withdraws Former DC US Attorney’s Nomination For Treasury Dept. Post | Talking Points Memo

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Finding any Republican Senator to question about this going to be quite a trick for a while.


Could always start with Romney …


Oh, yeah! I forgot about him. He might as well pile on because short of his dog, and the dog is probably still pissed about his ride on top of the car, he has no Republican friends anymore.
Where you been?

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Trump denied speaking to the Justice Department… but on Twitter…

Those two conditions cannot be true, unless Twitter blacklisted Trump from the Twitter accounts of the Justice Department.



I prefer Grand Jury with a Special Prosecutor.


trumPP’s hard core supporters make up no more than 40% of the electorate and will never reach 60%. We just think there are more because media’s focus here and elsewhere are on the noise they make and the attention they get doing so. But keep in mind trumpp has never appealed to anyone outside his base however many there may be and has turned off any possible converts. That’s not a winning strategy, and as of today his approval rating is 43.6%. He can’t win with anything less than 50%.

If Dems stay home this time as they did in 2016 we’ll get close to the same results. A schmuck we hate and didn’t vote for.


“It’s pretty clear the President of the United States did learn a lesson” from the recent Senate acquittal of the impeachment charges against him,(Senator Sherrod) Brown said.

“The lesson: He can do whatever he wants, he can abuse his office, and he’ll never, ever be held accountable by this Senate.”

But oddly he doesn’t want any of the Senators to ask questions about his corruption.

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Yeah, except for that pesky issue of #IMPOTUS saying all of the quiet, hidden things out loud.


If the dog is pissed he’s feeling it from a heavenly perch.

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Also, another classic case of ETTD in action. If you want to preserve your reputation, you need to get out of this adminstration asap.

But of course this is normal behavior for an innocent guy.
I think we need a new descriptor for the sort of epic malfeasance, graft and corruption the trump crew have given up hiding. “Corruption” just is not a strong enough term for what we are seeing. It’s a bubbling festering stew of rotting fish, a 10 day old large road kill (deer maybe?), sewer pipe leakings and any other stupendously gross content you’d care to add.

Praps @ralph_vonholst could assist here.

Ok, … said my piece … I’ll let myself out now …


It could always be worse??

I think mostly they support his whims, and they like getting screwed as long as it feels like they are the ones doing the screwing.

Mnuchin just testi-lied to the Congressional Banking Committee that he knew of this withdrawal “two days ago”.


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they want to reverse the charges of flynn and manafort before Nov in case trump doesnt win re election…and then claim that rudis evidence exonerates the russians from claims that they meddled in the 16’ election…to please putin…to clear the path for the russians to give trump re election…

Because it does.


When CERTAIN people knew their place. :rage:

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