Trump Withdraws Former DC US Attorney’s Nomination For Treasury Dept. Post | Talking Points Memo

Democrats Must get out the vote … this has to be a landslide in order to clear the deck & undo the damage.

Please don’t use violent language, learn from the Republican candidate in 2016 to use the term ‘schlonged’.

Well, dog gone!

God help the nation, if Trump is able to use the Electoral College and Russian interference to get a second term.

I read something today, and similar info has been reported here I believe, that there’s still a strong likelihood of 2016 playing out again and Fatso losing the popular vote and winning the EC. I’m still depressed even thinking about it.

Liu almost certainly would have faced questions from senators Thursday about two politically sensitive cases handled by prosecutors in her office — … Stone and … Flynn

Interesting theory, possibly somewhat valid, but I didn’t buy it. She was responsible for several Mueller prosecutions, including Stone and also McCabe. Trump wants McCabe, and he wasn’t getting it. So yank her from her DC US Att job early (Jan 30) and now clean the slate by withdrawing her Treasury nom.

CNN has an update

Edit: she was reportedly “blindsided”

Those are dreadful possibilities - just hope the rampant ineptitude that pervades Trump’s thinking and activities some how finally detonates in a way that collapses his whole circus.

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We’re in the thick of his post acquittal victory tour with all the revenge against perceived enemies he can muster. He will however go overboard because he always does. Now, if we can get people to stay tuned on a regular basis for another few months, we will prevail.

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