Trump Withdraws Former DC US Attorney’s Nomination For Treasury Dept. Post | Talking Points Memo


“Trump denied speaking to the Justice Department.”

Instead he tweeted his road rage to 50 million Americans instead. Nothing obstructive or illegal about that I guess?


No that would be un-civil


Of COURSE congress can still question her, in the course of holding hearings into “allegation” of obstruction of justice at the top levels of the DoJ, along with Barr and the rest of them. In fact it now has vastly more reason to do so than in the course of confirmation hearings. Won’t happen in the senate, of course, but should and I hope and assume will in the house. If Schiff and Nadler don’t aggressively pursue this, shame on them. In fact I’d say put Schiff in charge of Judiciary as Nadler’s proven to be a bit of a pushover (plus with his wife’s health issues he’s not himself these days, understandably).

What kind of inbred, ridiculous cretin one has to be to still think that Trump’s doing a good job and is fit to be president. I so loath these people. They’re not just incredibly stupid. They’re vile.


I can understand Barr selling out DOJ for a lowlife like Trump in the name of MOAR POWR but for a traitor like Flynn and human slime like Stone, I am impressed at the low price of his powermad nihilism.


So what is to become of Jessie K. Liu ? What will be the explanation for her banishment?

She has clearly been a player from the Republican side - worked in Bush administration - vacated & resided in private practice DC law firm for the duration of Obama - then on Trump transition team - then appointed by Trump to DC US Atty.

so another person that Trump treats as “disposable” when they attempt to exercise any sort of objectivity.

when do portions of the remaining Republican population wake up to the fact that they too will be considered instantly expendable if they ever hesitate to fulfill Trump’s every whim?


So true, but even in this forum don’t call Sarah Sanders fat and ugly and don’t wish Rush Limbaugh a prolonged agony… because we are better than that, and we will rewarded for our good behavior in the afterlife or something.


They are authoritarians who do as they’re told, believing in the rule of absolute authority, without which, in their view, total chaos ensues. The tie-in to extreme versions of Xtianity, which has a vindictive, unloving god at its helm, is obvious. These people are not well.


Well, mostly true. Because there are much more important things to deal with this year.

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1950 WAS the “American Apartheid” and they want to return to that.


My guess - the dogmatic irrational totalitarian racist fascist core of the Republican Party is about 60% of the 60 million that they get to turn out & vote …
the other portion may be

  • a.) get nauseated enough to go out and vote Democratic - maybe as high as 10% of that 60 million

  • b. ) get nauseated and just stay home - - 20% ?

  • c. ) hold their nose and still vote for Trump - 10%?

  • just pure guessing


Liu got sucker punched. She earned it.


She was only ever just staff. Sondland had a couple GOP senators worried because he was an employer.


Trump toady toadying to trump.

Pathetic loser ETTD.


Funny you should say that:

(ETA: FYI, American Greatness was founded expressly as a Trumpist organ by Chris Buskirk, who appears regularly on the PBS Newshour and writes opinion columns published by the NYT, USAToday, etc. Just a normal Republican in this normal political era…)


Perhaps he’s doing it because Trump is the ultimate beneficiary …

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Liu is an Ever Trumper who is highly unlikely turn on him in any manner. Her future livelihood depends on not snitching.


Look at it this way - she won’t have the stench of the administration on her career. She’ll be just fine.

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“Perhaps Senator Collins, you’d like to tell the people what lesson YOU have learned?”