Trump Will Be Happy With Supreme Court Arguments On Immunity

The Supreme Court conservatives seemed to solidify around a middle-ground position on Donald Trump’s claims of absolute presidential immunity Thursday, a win by another name for the former president as it would add months of delay to the Jan. 6 case.

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Your summary of the arguments is well written. Apparently, this Supreme Court is all in on a POTUS causing an insurrection in order to overturn a free and fair election.


What of a president “unbounded while in office, a president who knows that he does not have to ultimately follow the law because there is really nothing more than, say, political accountability in terms of impeachment”? [Jackson] asked.

She cited amicus briefs raising the possibility that such an unshackled president could perjure himself under oath, force others to commit perjury and bribe witnesses, all without fear of later prosecution.

“I see that as a concern that is at least equal to the president being so worried about criminal prosecution that he is a little bit limited in his ability to function,” she added.

Jackson pretty much described the next TIFBG administration in the bolded portion.


So the “supreme court justices” have shown their partisanship and cowardice by trying to run out the clock. It’s not a surprise but it is disappointing.
And by the way, their job is to rule on what the law says, not pontificate on how future politicians might feel about a conviction.


Yet another sobering reminder that even if Stinky™ were to disappear from the face of the Earth this very minute :crossed_fingers:, for a long time to come, we will have to deal with the awesome political forces that propelled him forward and covered his not inconsiderable ass …


It does kinda take your breath away…


They will go with some type of limited immunity. Is that a surprise for this court?


It is absolutely painfully clear - Trump must be beaten & beaten brutally - humiliatingly - in the political arena ! Fairness and justice must pave the way via the efforts of the majority.

The spinless contingent in the Supreme Court is shirking any and all responsibilities… and will not save the day - it will eagerly capitulate!

It is up to the population of the nation to determine whether democratic principles will be pursued - or we shall devolve into an ugly ignorance based land with fascism & bigotry as the controlling themes.


John Adams’ blessing, which is engraved in the mantel in the State Dining Room, reads as follows: “I Pray Heaven To Bestow The Best Of Blessings On This House And All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under This Roof.”

The reason that we are going through all of this BS is that we had one occupant who was without honesty and wisdom. He was also without ethics, decency, manners or a fidelity to the rule of law. He was, and is, criminally minded.


Just tell us what Biden is able to do and I’ll be satisfied.


No one can predict when this decision will be made nor what they will decide. What I take away from it is

  1. They have deliberately delayed the trial (if there is one.)

  2. For all of the speculation about the Chief Justice being concerned about the court’s reputation, IMHO he could care less about how the citizens of this country regard the court. He does not care.


“Justice Samuel Alito expressed incredulity that a president could be prosecuted for a ‘mistake,’ for actions he took amid the morass of hard decision-making that falls on a president’s shoulders. He and Gorsuch danced a slippery slope two-step, fretting over self-pardons and presidents habitually going after their predecessors when they leave office.”

We have a Constitution with due process protections, presumptions of innocence, evidentiary rules, and an entire Judicial Branch with over two centuries of experience differentiating “mistakes” from “crimes”, but we can’t trust it?

Grand juries are incapable of handing down indictments justly, and judges are incapable of presiding over trials justly, and petit juries are incapable of rendering verdicts justly, and appeals courts are incapable of overturning unjust decisions, and our entire judicial system is unjust?

Am I the only one who sees an ultimate irony in the Supreme Court of the United States arguing that our Judicial Branch – over which it has ultimate authority – is…(wait for it)…incapable of administering justice?

In panicked grasping at straws to avoid admitting the blindingly obvious – that America has no kings, and no one is above the law – Alito and his micro-sighted conspirators have just condemned our entire judicial system.

And themselves.


hell, she described the previous Trump admin in a nutshell

I’m so mad I could spit.


Sadly, several presidents before Trump have ordered government employees to do criminal acts. We know this because they were pretty open about it and not the least bit worried about getting indicted.

Trump’s Jan 6, election interference, and classified docs cases are the exception to an unwritten rule that puts presidents practically above the law. They ought to get Trump on bribery too, but for some reason he’s getting away with that.


The conservatives on SCOTUS are politicians not jurists.

What do they care about our judicial system, country or even themselves as jurists?

It is not even legislating from the bench.


Trump will be happy because he will believe that today’s S.C. hearing determined that he is above the law. Curious though that Sauer did not feel the need to rebut Drebeen. Maybe he’s sure that it is now in the bag for his client?


This, this is the whimper wherein democracy dies.

Their unnecessary delays and piss poor logic are influencing the outcome of a presidential election, again, to benefit a literal mad man. Their actions are beyond appalling.

I cannot think of any way to explain the partisan based actions of the conservative members in control of SCOTUS other than with the label “corrupt”.


Last week of June, and:


It’s clearly the Supreme Court of Making Shit Up.

They simply do not care about logic, precedent, the Founders’ intent, or the clear black and white text of the law. They will insert themselves into cases that they have no business hearing, concoct the most convoluted and unlikely scenarios, and just Make Shit Up to get the result they want.

Biden should use his new power of absolute immunity to put the fear of God into these jack wagons. A few months in the slammer ought to do it. Meanwhile, appoint their replacements due to them not being able to carry out their responsibilities.

Lock them up!


My guess is they will send the case back to the trial court to have the court decide whether any of the January 6 crimes are within the area they will proscribe as being immuned from prosecution. Of course, none of them will be but the delay will push the case into 2025, past the election.

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