Trump To Announce Move On Census Citizenship Question | Talking Points Memo

SCOTUS has no statutory enforcement powers.

But isn’t it illegal for the printer to actually print it?

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Can Larry Craig be far behind ?


TOUCHE ! To That.

There are no laws prescribing what the printer prints. The standard, agreed upon form exists. Trump orders the printer to add the citizenship question. The printer agrees to do it. Maybe the printer is fine with it being on the form, who knows? Regardless, Trump issues the order, and it’s followed. Now, what institution is empowered to legally intervene, by force if necessary, and actually stop the presses? None that I know of. You?

Tena, My Dearest Darlin’ Goddess, wherever you may be:

I think it is time to say your trademark phrase once again!


Time to take the budget and the debt ceiling hostage. Fuck it. As long as we’re going down the drain anyway.


“And who is this Epstein guy?”



As well as every citizen.

You can be sure that little action taken by this administration is without Putin’s guidance. I can not think of a single instance, where the actions of Trump haven’t advanced President Putin’s agenda. One has to give credit where credit is due.

Pretty much; they’re throwing red meat to the masses because they know they’re losing


Good points, and I don’t think anyone is arguing that a case could be made for asking about citizenship on the Census. (The question would more likely be something about in which country this person holds citizenship. That in itself would create problems for people with dual citizenship, because the US does not generally recognize dual citizenship status for adults. I suspect the approach most dual citizens would take to this question is to list the US alone.)

If such a question were proposed, it would be reviewed by Census advisory boards, Census scientists (yes, Virginia, statisticians are often scientists), and it would be subject to public comment. I think the final decision would be that the question creates more trouble than answers, and it should be omitted. Incidentally, the racial and ethnic questions on the Census have long created a lot more trouble than they have answers.


Uhmmm… i’m sure you know this already, but in his own feeble little mind, oh hell yes he can. If he wants it, he can make it happen. If it’s illegal or unconstitutional, then he’ll demand the SCOTUS agree with him to make it so.


We fall for it every…damn…time.


I know. I’m just trying desperately to stay firmly grounded on Earth One.

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So maybe what might be more useful in the long run is for the front-runner Dem candidates to start taking a page from AOC and start running on her ideas. We’ll find out in a darned hurry just how popular those are. We can still have a winning Presidential candidate and lose the House. But if we cede the entire election to the GOP and they win the trifecta, there’s no hope that this won’t all get considerably worse.

I just don’t think Nancy has it in her to see past the glasses on her nose. She got what she wanted and the rest of us be damned. That even the popularity of the hearings is increasing and she’s making no move toward organizing them is distressing. Yes, it’s summer and the House won’t be in session, yadda, yadda, yadda, but waiting to organize until 13 months before the election isn’t going to be nearly enough time at the glacial pace things seem to move.

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You can’t hold antagonistic, opposition hearings in the last year of a President’s term. It’s a rule.


The Suprem Court could technically hold Trump in contempt of court – but probably couldn’t enforce a contempt order.

But everyone below Trump would be subject to enforcement of a contempt citation/order – so Ross could be jailed and/or fined for non-compliance with the court order.

I have nothing to lose by stiffing the census. I already live in a GOP gerrymandered Congressional district.