Trump Promises 2024 Is The Last Time We'll Have To Vote ... Wait, Wut?

Of course one of the major problems these particular “Christians” have is, well, us.


not only that, but he is an old man…his is sweating, a lot. recovering from a supposedly bullet wound…even his ears are sweaty…thinking his blood pressure is probably’out of sight.hope he is not confronted by a cat. so sad!


Former senior FBI special agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page will receive $1.2 million and $800,000 respectively in a settlement with the Justice Department.

Not nearly enough, and none of it came out of TMF’s pocket.


American evangelical Christianity has gone off the rails.


The entire explanation that Trump is reassuring white evangelical Christians that they will not have to worry about voting after November because he will fix things for them permanently assumes that Donald Trump gives a rat’s ass about them.

That is patently absurd. Of course the wants their vote. And he avoids anything that might not get that vote. But almost all his statements are about him. That is rule #1 about Trump and so obvious and so many times proven that I must assume a large number of intelligent people are quite insane.

At the very least may be some of these characters could ask how it could be permanent if there is an opposition to it led by the other party? But they do not even go there.


I guess if Trump wins the next election and cancels future elections the rest of us are going to be able to tell the mainstream media “we told you so.” So there is that comfort.

I have never seen the big time media as in the tank for any candidate as they are for Trump. They must really love him.


Fuck their feelings.


The piece on Bernie Sanders quoted in the Morning Memo was from an interview on Friday, and echoed other comments that Sanders had made saying that Harris was going to the lose election unless she addressed more the problems of the working class.

Sanders statements surprised me since he was such a big booster of Biden staying in the race, as was AOC. One would be hard pressed to say there was a lot of daylight between what Biden wants and what Harris wants. A VP always echoes what the presidents wants. And in just one week, one can’t draw the conclusion that Harris was backing away from Biden’s policies.

Sanders endorsed Harris the following day at a Portland rally. My expectation is that Democratic partly leaders brought the hammer down on Sanders to get on the endorsement boat. Otherwise, he is writing campaign commercials for Trump with his criticisms of Harris.


Great film, and an appropriate comparison.


I think I figured out the significance of JD Vance’s angle on penalizing childless people. It’s a pitch to the incel crowd.

Remember that there’s this big group of guys out there who call themselves “involuntarily celibate.” They generally blame women for their predicament, women who would rather live alone with a well-behaved cat than cohabit with a breathtakingly slovenly, low-grade bully who expects her to service him sexually on the regular while he criticizes her media diet.

Incels hear JD Vance say that he’s going to look for ways to punish unmarried, childless adults, and they fantasize about all the single ladies out there being forced to reluctantly select a convenient guy to wed and give children to, all so she can check the right box on her tax form. (They also figure their own appeal in that situation will be higher than now, b/c Trump II will revitalize racism and patriarchy more broadly.)

JD Vance is telling incels he’d favor an Obamacare-style tax mandate to drum up girlfriends for all of them. (I am sure John Roberts would have zero problem accepting that, or even defending it in a majority opinion.)

I think that’s not a bad move. I would guess the incel crowd has always been for Trump, but not very strongly, because they figure they will also be fine under a liberal regime. So there’s always been a danger they will stay home, especially if Trump (or his replacement) is especially odious.

I gather there is a lot of overlap between incels and Very Online Fans of Elon Musk. So I’d say Vance’s message found its audience.

ETA: I’m calling this the “Vancecare Girlfriend Mandate.”


What he said:
“You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore… In four years, you won’t have to vote again.”

What you probably heard:
I am going to end democracy so that there wont be any more votes

What they will say he meant to defend him:
I’m going to be so super awesome and fix everything in 4 years so there will be no more problems to solve ever!

What he’s really thinking:
In four years I’ll be able to kill all the investigations and keep my ass out of jail and cash in bigly. That’s all I really care about, I give zero fucks about these people or anything else…


I predicted last week J.D. Vance would withdraw from the VP nod. I suppose due to stubborness, ego and sheer embarrassment, both on Vance’s part and Trump’s, I could be proven wrong. But his backpedaling, “You got me all wrong!!” tour is a flop, and I don’t see Dems or the media letting up on the focus on his idiocies. And he just keeps digging that hole.

Withdrawal is a distinct possibility. Trump has to be supremely pissed about how all this is distracting from the campaign.


It would help if anti-trust laws were enforced so that one old white rightwing billionaire guy could not own a majority of the stations /channels/newspapers/etc in a single viewing/listening area.


Yes, I just read that yesterday. (I love Civil Discourse.) This process seems to have been created to make it nigh impossible to change the appointment of Postmaster General. Seems like years since that DeJoy has been destroying the USPS, bit by bit. And years since first class mail actually meant something.

Thanks for posting this for the benefit of TPM readers! :pray:t3:


IPolling indicates that if RFK is on the ballot, Trump loses voters. So, the full-on antivax stuff is for that group.


It’s weird. The guy is just weird.


yes there was…he was under the table…


Peter Schweizer is the lying Breitbart “News” hatchet man who was commissioned by Trump lackey Steve Bannon to write that steaming pile Clinton Cash, which despite its numerous lies and baseless accusations was serialized in 2016 in the New York Times.


Or better yet, six feet under in a urine-soaked gravesite


In their minds - whatever they want to think is what they give themselves permission to enshrine as gospel truth.

“Jesus wrote the Constitution” - a whole bunch of them fervently believe this - & be happy to shoot you if you dispute it.