Trump Promises 2024 Is The Last Time We'll Have To Vote ... Wait, Wut?

I’ll drink to that!


Thank you for this. I thought the same – and I"m worried that Orange’s goons and partisans will put their whole fists on the scale come THIS November, so even if Harris wins a clear victory, they’ll push their messiah even harder than the Brooks Brothers riot members shoved W over the top in Florida.


My husband said yesterday that it is the president’s job is to communicate (his ideas and policies), not obfuscate. But Trump certainly does the latter.

WaPo had this yesterday:

Christian conservatives — White evangelicals, specifically — make up a substantial part of the voter base that Trump has been courting since his 2016 campaign.

In both 2016 and 2020, a third of Trump’s support came from White evangelical Protestants. So 1 one in every 3 votes Trump received came from White evangelical Protestants, a group that the Public Religion Research Institute estimates constitutes 14 percent of the population.

Jennifer Mercieca, a communications professor at Texas A&M University and author of “Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump,” said in an email that she interpreted Trump’s comment as an attempt to address the “double bind” that supposed “strongmen” leaders face.

“They narrate a world of chaos and promise that they are strong enough to fix it in order to win elections, but they frequently don’t actually solve the problems that they’ve said that they could easily solve if given power,” said Mercieca, whose research focuses on the relationship between democracy and American communication practices. “I think Trump is here promising Christians that he will actually solve the problems that he has promised them he’ll solve (a full abortion ban … and various ‘culture war’ issues) and so with all of the problems solved, they won’t feel like the world is so chaotic that they have to vote to save the nation.”

“It’s a big promise,” she added, “and he doesn’t give specific details here.”

Rhetorical genius? Good grief. Genius should not be used in the same sentence with Trump.



Yeah, a week will prove it’s a permanent fix, darr. Until then, let’s just hope it wasn’t a fluke, or someone got confused and opened up the wrong door for all of us to come through.


I hope that’s not true.


Some statements are true, every day, under every conceivable circumstance.

Bernie Sanders can eff all the way off.


And a Thor’s Hammer tattooed on his abdomen looks kinda pagan to me.


Bernie Sanders endorsed Harris on Saturday at a rally in Portland.

“This is, in fact, the most important election of our lifetimes. We have got to work double time and triple time to make sure that Trump is not elected and that the Vice President is,” Sanders said.


I’ve definitely gotten that Streisand email. I’m glad I go to the actual site to donate – that’s alarming.


Vance has hanged out with that weird wolf Peter Thiel, he has learned to howl.


Of course you’re right. But tell it to the Washington Post and the NYT, who behave very much as if Trump, and only Trump, had exactly that right, and no such responsibility.

I find myself imagining how these outlets will report on the insurrection that will certainly follow a Harris victory, should she win. It’s not a pretty picture. “Mobs of Trump supporters set fire to ballot-counting centers in dozens of states across the country today. In Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, the mobs pulled election official out of their cars and beat them in the streets. Democrats and some legal experts called it an insurrection.”


Fortunately for Donald, he still has someone pretty to oogle.

Yeah. J.D. … Donald himself said so.


Ok … show of hands …
Who would be surprised if next week there was a storage unit discovered belonging to Vance with boxes and boxes of roughed up & abused in unspeakable ways - old cabbage patch dolls.



And I harken back to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics opening ceremony.

Trucks and cheerleaders. American culture at its best.


Bernie wants a deal…. Really.

I have both Medicare and Security and would certainly like some modifications to both of them.

That said, Keeping a democracy it’s just a little bit more important than being able to go to the goddamn dentist.

I’m sick of Bernie’s “hey look at me, I am important” crap. Get off your high horse or just go away.


If the new justices go along with it, sure. I’m just wondering about how the standoff would be resolved if the SCOTUS majority strikes it down as unconstitutional, whether it actually is or not.

I’m also skeptical about enforcement. What happens if a justice breaks the new code of ethics by accepting a new fishing vacation, or refuses to recuse from a case where their wife has a political connection (not naming names here). What’s the punishment? Who enforces it?

What happens if a justice refuses to step down after their 18 years is up? Will the legislation be retroactive, forcing all current justices who have already served 18 years to step down? Okay, probably not, but it would sure be a fun way to make a sweeping change in the court. We’ll see when Biden makes the speech. I’m just a wee bit skeptical that there can be sufficient enforcement.


The film “Being There” with Peter Sellers as Chauncey Gardner was supposed to be a satire not a prophecy. To ascribe “hidden” meaning to anything Trump says is absurd. He is not capable of complex thought and multi-dimensional chess. I am so sick of this what-did-he-really-mean? crap.


Cricket the Savior!!!


Modeling Donnie’s version of ‘national unity,’ I see.