Trump Promises 2024 Is The Last Time We'll Have To Vote ... Wait, Wut?

Well, “bothsiderism” requires that each side be considered equal. Equally bad, in this case. Even when their comparisons are ludicrous and insulting to anyone of normal intelligence.


He didn’t say that. Watch the video again and listen closely. He flubbed it a bit by saying “A’m a Christian” and then he touched his chest for emphasis.


And donnie as forever dictator cuz every day is “day one”.
If voters choose poorly we will have our own Fidel Castro in the White House. Castro was First Secretary of the Comminist Party of Cuba from1961 to 2012. He also was Prime Minister from 1959 to1976 and President from1976 to 2008. Can trump last that long?


Can’t happen soon enough.

Even if voting by mail is permitted in this election, DeJoy-less’s removal will come too late to right the wrongs he’s instigated.


Oh my…I came in through the front door for a change. At least I’m not stuck in front page purgatory.

Someone at TPM must’ve finally gotten the memo from memo readers about entering into Morning Memo through the backdoor and fixed it.


Can we talk about this oddness for a minute?

I’ve developed a theory that even though Trump is, obviously, an ignorant moron, at least one of his personality disorders has an intelligence all its own. And, what that personality disorder has done is desensitized his followers to anything he says. He’s been spewing obvious, trivial untruths for so long, that they’ve learned to just ignore them. He’s their guy, because on at least one occasion he’s said something that they agree with, and they’ve learned to “count the hits, and ignore the misses.” (A classic fallacy.)

If confronted with his contradictory statements, they will push back with their own trivially obvious lie that it’s a fake quote, or “out of context”, or whatever, in order to avoid the embarrassment of having to admit they’ve been duped by a liar with all the sophistication of a three year old. That this technique works is both horrifying, and instructive. (I’m toying with trying to get back into the race to become supreme dictator for life. (My rule will be harsh, but fair.))


If they have the numbers to pass this legislation, then they have the numbers to vote for new judges and force their will on SCOTUS


I think you’re probably right as far as that goes, but I find it interesting that the assumption is that voting is some onerous job–“You won’t have to do it anymore…You won’t have to vote again…”
It really shouldn’t be all that difficult. Maybe if we go to mail in voting, or multi-day voting, or Sunday voting, or making election day a national holiday…maybe it will be easier and it won’t seem so problematic.


This morning CBS showed a montage of clips of confused Republicans trying to explain what Trump meant when he said this year could be the last time anyone needs to vote. Their explanations were all over the map.

The last clip was of weird JD Vance who said Trump was merely stating that he intended to prevent Democrats from allowing illegal immigrants to vote which would happen if Harris is elected as president.

The CBS reporter did weakly call out Vance’s lie saying that the Democrats have not announced plans to give the vote to illegal immigrants. Does she think that the Democrats plan to make such an announcement in the future?


Bernie Sanders can eff all the way off.


Then we keep working to get the Supreme Court re-balanced, and/or the Constitution amended, and/or the bill rewritten, and/or a more Democratic balance in Congress…

You know, democracy. This ain’t a one shot deal. You try, you fail, you pick yourself up and keep on fighting. For as long as it takes. That’s how this thing works.


Methinks Vance likes horns, hair and tattoos. One kinky guy.



This is why - IT IS IMPERATIVE that there be a BLUE TSUNAMI in November

Joe Biden is the POTUS - COMMANDER IN CHIEF … Trump does NOT have the controls now or at any time in 2024 or in 2025 prior to the inauguration.

Oh, Trump will attempt to lots of crap - serious deadly crap - because he can’t try again in 4 years - he will be firmly in the clutches of dementia and have zero stamina… and … possibly incarcerated.


And that’s better?


Yeah, pecs, abs and beards are just gay.


“Donald Trump’s Real Crisis: A Dire Estrogen Shortage”

In another timeline, Kristi Noem didn’t shoot her dog, and she’s the VP pick he really needed.

We owe that dog’s sacrifice a lot in this timeline. With Vance as the VP pick, Trump handed us exactly what we needed for an election that may turn on the issue of women’s reproductive freedom.


Congress possesses extensive authority to regulate the jurisdiction of the lower federal courts, and may limit the cases the Supreme Court can hear on appeal by generally stripping the federal courts of jurisdiction over certain cases .


OT, but I love the rubes who thought the Feast of Dionysus tableau at the Olympics opening ceremony had something to do with The Last Supper. Was there a blue guy at The Last Supper? :person_facepalming:


Not yet I fear
I need at least a week of coming thru the front door to build confidence


Yes, they absolutely CANNOT admit to themselves (and others) that they were totally and completely wrong about the Opening Ceremonies. One of my FB friends said that even though the Opening Ceremonies was anti Christian, the focus should be on the athletes. Oh, shut up already – YOU were wrong! Remember that a large chunk of the London Opening Ceremony was about the National Health Service?