Trump Promises 2024 Is The Last Time We'll Have To Vote ... Wait, Wut?

the comments… were about how Trump would unite the country.

Via dictatorship?

Candidates for office don’t have a right to have their words parsed to harmless hyperbole.

They have a responsibility to explain themselves clearly and honestly.


As usual the media makes up tons of excuses for what trump said and meant, meanwhile they often take the worst take on what a Dem would say and run on that.


Warning! This was a Bulwark post linked at Political Wire. I got this one last week in a text message and have seen similar ones. Since I’ve never heard of them, I’ve been deleting the texts, but I’ll start reporting them as junk.

One recent text included a picture of Barbra Streisand, the famed singer, actress, and longtime Democrat, saying how “excited” she is “to support KAMALA HARRIS!” and offering a “700% MATCH ACTIVE” for donations to help “crush” Donald Trump.

But the text wasn’t from Streisand or the Harris campaign. It was from “Democratic Power,” a group started in October 2022 at an address that appears to be a UPS store in Southeast Washington, D.C.

Democratic Power has few traces online, save stray websites that contain records of its expenses or solicitations, like this one suggesting Hillary Clinton supports them while offering a “700% MATCH ACTIVE.”

Has anyone seen this elsewhere?


No problem. And for the record, many of those folks are extremely progressive. It’s funny, but pagan communities tend to not be where the christofascists hang out.


Yep - I get stupid texts like this multiple times a day. They get deleted and marked as junk.


I read a commentator’s theory that Trump’s statement that Christians don’t need to vote after this election is his narcissistic way of saying that, since he can’t run again after being elected a second time, he doesn’t care about voting thereafter. That seems a plausible explanation, but trying to determine his real meanings for the crazy things he says is a fool’s game. I’m content to have the Harris campaign interpret his statement in the most extreme way in speeches, advertisements, etc. Same with the things Vance has said or written–spread the word, let Trump and Vance tie themselves in knots trying to explain these statements away.


Agreed. Also, he “I’m not a Christian” in that same speech yet where’s the commentary on that crazy statement to a bunch of uber Christians?


A chicken in every pot. A bun in every oven


There is nothing beyond that which they say. It’s not our job to puzzle our way through a morass of ambiguity (that they themselves have created) for them, it’s their job to clarify.


I didn’t say he wants to end voting, I said he wants it to be moot - that it doesn’t matter who votes for whom, the resulting government will be the same; so we are saying the same thing.


Fun stuff…


The only commentary I saw was that the transcript was wrong and the video is ambiguous.


One thing is sure in this troubled world: Putin’s cock-holster is always clear about his intentions. Truly the mark of a great leader.

And now a word about electric sharks …


Interesting because I heard it with my own ears.


It wILL be harDer for the LibtarDS to chEAT if THEre is NO mORE vOTING. You aLL ENjOY aLL the electricity Trump will Be making Until you GET sick of ElectriciTy.




A preview of Biden’s speech today about Supreme Court reform below. Sounds good on paper I guess. But even assuming a Congressional majority to pass legislation, what happens when Biden signs a bill with all these features, the R’s challenge it with a lawsuit that reaches the current SCOTUS, and the justices say “Nope, that’s unconstitutional, forgettabouttit! Next case!”

NYT un-paywalled link: “Biden to Call for Changes to Supreme Court During Austin Visit”

And another 403 posting error for the full preview. Fix this stupid software, TPM.


When @Hatmama comes around, she should see the latest about getting rid of DeJoy.

Joe Biden nominated former Florida Congresswoman Val Demings to the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) Board of Governors. He also nominated Republican businessman William Zollars.

The USPS Board of Governors consists of eleven people, nine of whom are nominated by the President and must be confirmed by the Senate before taking office. The Board is rounded out by the Postmaster General and the Deputy Postmaster General. In March, President Biden appointed former Labor Secretary and Democratic mayor of Boston Marty Walsh. All three of the recent nominees are still pending Senate confirmation. Governors serve seven-year terms.
The good news is that this is an essential stop towards replacing Louis DeJoy, Trump’s Postmaster General, who is still in place. DeJoy is a Trump loyalist and donor who was appointed with no qualifications to run the Post Office effectively. And he hasn’t. DeJoy put measures in place that he claimed were designed to cut costs but that, in practice, seriously impaired mail delivery. In one notorious move, he dismantled sorting machines. This resulted in massive backlogs and serious delivery delays. It just so happened that led to major slowdowns in swing states just ahead of the 2020 election that resulted in tens of thousands of ballots arriving too late to be counted.

It’s frustrating that DeJoy is still in place as Biden’s term in office comes to a close. In part, that’s because procedures around the appointment of Board of Governors members are meant to preserve the essential non-political status of the postal service. But they boomeranged here. The Postmaster is selected by the Board, and that appointment is not subject to Senate confirmation. Only the Board can remove the Postmaster. But no more than five members of the Board can belong to the same political party, and Governors can only be removed “for cause”—some sort of proven bad acts or extreme neglect of their obligations. The seven-year terms mean that it has taken this long for Biden to have sufficient openings to change the balance on the Board.


Whatever the understanding was supposed to be, his audience are the same people who believe with all their hearts that the Opening Ceremonies were a slap at organized religion.

People believe what they want to believe unless it is expressly defined for them.


Let’s do this again.
On third of MAGAts are just as crazy as the other two thirds.