Trump Knocks McConnell Once Again For Insufficient Loyalty | Talking Points Memo

Usually ironic podcasts are my favorite, but this is a hard pass.


More amazing was the thought that he took Barron, or anyone else, fishing.


Aren’t you sweet! Good on you.

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OT, but talk about rewriting history…check out General Assface McCocksucker here…

Gen. Keane: Unlike Biden admin, Trump made sure allies knew we ‘have their back’

Meanwhile…hair-on-fire articles about helping our allies Mexico and Canada with vaccines…not to mention the standard scorn for our deals with allies like the Paris Climate Accord and the big agreement with Iran, both of which Trump shat on.


Also Miami Beach:

Edit: preview isn’t working. Headline and lede of linked article:

Miami Beach police pepper-spray ‘unruly’ spring breakers, arrest 100 as authorities fear covid-19 surge

By Teo Armus

March 15, 2021 at 6:49 a.m. EDT

When police tried to clear the crowds away from a packed Miami Beach roadway on Friday night, one teenager refused to give any ground and allegedly pushed an officer. As hundreds of bystanders — many of them without masks — gathered for a closer look, officers responded with pepper spray and pepper balls. Officials said the incident ended with at least two arrests and two police officers taken to the hospital.


we have been watching Stanley Tucci’s travels through Italy - last night was Sicily
… nice summary in Forbes -

Note - they mention:
"The series doesn’t shy away from politics and grit. This episode includes mention of the chilling history of the Mafia in Sicily, including the assassinations of Sicilian prosecutors Paolo Borsellino and Giovanni Falcone. "

when watching it last night & hearing one of the people say - in the 1980’s & 1990’s the government & the MAFIA - were … basically “one and the same”
… and it sounded a lot like where the Republicans are trying to take things …

Democrats may need to watch their back - but Republicans like Mitch may need to be even more vigilant!


Our allies are still busy picking daggers of various sizes out of their backs.


1/6 was a bad example.


Could be they hadn’t gone to bed yet


This is why we have more than one variety.

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Here in WA state, the rules about when and where “booth sales” are allowed are quite strict (and firmly enforced). The kids are not allowed to sell outside any store they can’t shop in. Most of those businesses don’t draw customers who would want Girl Scout cookies so it’s no big deal, but the prohibition on selling outside of marijuana dispensaries is discussed in detail each and every year.


I always wondered if the Girl Scouts made more money selling the cookies than the bakers received. ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers are the bakers
Answer is yes:

What percentage of Girl Scout cookie money goes to the Girl Scouts?

50 percent goes to council-sponsored programs, events, properties, training, and scholarships. 24 percent goes to the cost of the cookies. 23 percent goes to troop proceeds, girl recognitions, and service unit bonuses. 3 percent goes to the cost of Cookie Program support.

And the proceeds raised in a community via cookie sales stays in that community.


Yeah that was slightly deceptive since the Cosa Nostra was part of the government from the beginning of Italian government in Sicily in 1861.

Same in Naples. Because the new government could not control the people in the south who were not thrilled with being part of a unified Italy, so the government itself invited the Cosa Nostra and the Camorra in to help them control people.


During his term Donald Trump got 1% of pre-tax proceeds. In exchange he instructed Bill Barr and the IRS to leave the Girl Scouts alone.

According to TinEye, that picture is from 2019 - at least cropped as it is.


I hear you, but it’s partly because that’s how President Biden wants it. He’s busy governing and not prioritizing press conferences, though I believe he’s giving one this week.

He’s also appointed competent, intelligent public servants with integrity. It’s a refreshing change from Trump, though one does yearn to know more about what’s happening behind the scenes. I can’t wait to hear from AG Garland, for example, as I’m certain he’s hard at work. And I hope he will reassert the consent decree with local police departments that Sessions took a hatchet to.


He also has a highly competent press secretary who takes any and all questions from the press every damn day. We need to re-learn that the presidency is not a reality TV show, and the president’s duties do not include giving reporters face time to make them feel special.


Ya know what would help with “stronger leadership”, Donnie? A pres candidate who doesn’t fuck up and lose two seats in GA and give Ds the senate majority. :rofl:

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… hummm - their troubles with thuggish violent groups dates back to 1861 … what a coincidence!

Me: Make sure to get a bunch of the peanut butter ones.
Wife: I already did.
Me: No, not the chocolate ones. The ones that are sandwich cookies.
Wife: You don’t like those.
Me: Yes I do. They’re my favorite.
Wife: Since when? You hate oatmeal cookies.
Me: I don’t hate oatmeal cookies. I hate raisins. And they usually go together.