Trump Knocks McConnell Once Again For Insufficient Loyalty | Talking Points Memo


I can stomach a margarita, but that’s about it. Tequila and Pepsi, however…not a good mix.


Trump is the world’s biggest bully. I mean that without any hyperbole. He epitomizes the type. If McConnell, who excels at the slashing comment, were to stand up in the senate and slash Trump to little bits, pointing out that there is not a fool alive, if they are lucky to still be alive, who owes a single thing to the most disloyal, most incompetent, most grossly negligent American President who ever was or will be, Trump’s fragile psyche would shatter into a million little pieces, and the narcissistic injury would never heal, not that any of his other ones ever have.


Trump is the Politics Show (for the ignorant). I have said before that Trump should be covered like the weather:

keep tabs on Trump (like the weather) and put him exactly where the weather is covered in the old newpaper-route days…if/when there is something dangerous and/or pivotal (like the weather), put Trump on a more prominent page (like the weather).


LOL…that sounds truly awful haha


It was, but when raiding the parent’s bar and not knowing anything you took what you could get. That was a rough night.


Italy is divided, culturally and economically, North from South. The North is way more European and has a different history than the South, which was heavily influenced by having been Magna Grecia, conquered by the Arabs who held it for 500 years, the Normans who threw them out and then until 1861 they were run by the King of Spain. From Naples through Siciliy. It was called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies or The Kingdom of Naples.

When the idea of unity was hatched it was hatched in Turin, in the North. Sicily never loved Garibaldi - it wanted independence. So there were 2 little wars going on prior to the final unification - Garibaldi landed there,and there was a local rebellion pushing for independence.

Those currents still exist in Italy. I’ve had people in the South tell me they wish the country would split up again. However the money is in the North. The South is still poorer by far.


Always let the South walk away. It should be a rule.


Funny, but I prefer the South of Italy.

I think the people are warmer, like the climate.


Well, McCon still holds office while Trumpf is down to fighting with small-city councils. Must sting that he got re-elected and you didn’t, eh Donnie?


I’m giving McConnell far too much credit with the comparison, but saying “that the GOP needs ‘better’ and ‘stronger’ leadership than McConnell” is like claiming the Democratic-Republicans needed better leadership than Henry Clay or that the Carthaginians needed stronger leadership than General Hannibal. McConnell is the most effective pol in their party right now and anyone in the party trying to knock him for it is a loon. The GOP would truly be out in the wilderness right now if McConnell weren’t holding some of the line.

Once he’s gone, they really have no one left with the political heft to be somebody, instead of a bum, which is what they are.


What is tineye and how does it work?

“Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.!!”
(From a TV ad for Timex Watches circa 1960)


Thin Mints were my mom’s favorite.
I don’t dare buy any flavor.


The news stories say they are not all college students, rather a bunch of idiots who came to party because the state is “open”.
If only they would do us all a favor and rush into the sea like lemmings.


Some troops will let you buy cookies to be shipped to soldiers or retirement homes. That’s what I do.


Now there’s a thought. Thing is, I’ll bet that troop is a godsend for those kids. You can imagine what it must mean for them to belong to something that’s positive and forward-looking.


Well, there are other things happening in the news:

But sure, let’s only cover the guy that lost instead.


Something about those unnaturally white white teeth.


They’re just so hilarious because they’re so sadly delusional.

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Like 45* ever fly fished or did anything REMOTELY out - doorsy his entire life.