Trump Knocks McConnell Once Again For Insufficient Loyalty | Talking Points Memo

True story. Back in the stone age when I was a Girl Scout, we carried boxes of cookies door to door to sell them. When the cartons (we carried 2 with 12 boxes of cookies in each) were empty, we would walk back to the cookie coordinator’s house and refill the cartons. Even then, the Thin Mints were the favorites but we weren’t allowed to have a full carton of them, nor could we take orders. Our challenge was to sell everything in our mixed cartons before returning for more.



So much bait, so few sharks.


That “painting” is hysterical.:joy:

Trump looks like he’s giving drugs to a lost soul. The guy’s textbooks are titled “Socialism” and “Social Justice Warriors.”


Not as funny as the damn fishing rod. Sure the MFWWNBN knows how to handle a fishing rod.


One thing about Trump, he may have borderline dementia, but he never forgets someone who he thinks slighted him (even in his imagination).


They’re all 18-19-20, what do they have to worry about, they’re never going to die.


Good catch. He is scrambling to get his face out there and it doesn’t look like there are many takers. The loss of Twitter totally castrated him.


I don’t think we are worried about them. We are worried they’ll spread it o us.

The little shits.

I read that Miami has a power outage, too.


I purchased Girl Scout Cookies for my daughter in Brooklyn. I ordered them from NYC’s Troop 6000.

They’re still selling cookies, if anyone’s interested -


OK, OK I shouldn’t use this word but we’re still living in unprecedented times with a one term President that has nothing going on in his life except to bitch and moan about how he’s going to get you Republicans.
Bush I went back to doing business, until such time he was asked to go do goodwill type things. Trump can’t do either of those two things, Donnie harmed his businesses, and he has no goodwill to give. Someone should tell Donnie Dumbshit you lost the House, the Senate and the White House, so tell us again how your brand will get these things back?

Read this this morning and I don’t think there are enough of these folks that can keep propping Donnie Dumbshit up.


Hah! That’s where I got mine. I was looking online and that was the only troop I could find.

My husband bought the first box from some girl scouts in front of the grocery store.


Yeah did you read about how “economically disadvantaged” the people in Frisco are?

Real populists up there. (cough cough)


True Story, a couple of weeks ago I popped into the supermarket for dinner supplies and on the way out was ambushed by a pack of girl scouts and their evil stand. Powerless, I first ordered two boxen of thin mints, but upon reflection I realized that there were two adult children living with Ms Rowlf and myself, so I reluctantly upped the count to four. As the girls packed them all into a bag, I attempted to justify my actions by assuring them all that I wouldn’t be eating them all myself! The den mother responded softly - “we don’t judge you…”

But I do suspect that she was smiling behind her mask… :mask:


C’mon y’all, THIN MINTS


I found it interesting that the northern Dallas suburbs were expanding because of businesses that were relocating there, and those businesses hired diverse workers who then moved into their neighborhoods which is why the moved from wherever they lived before.
For years my Mom and I would drive down to Austin from Stl, going south on 44 to OK, then getting on 69 in OK down to Durant, and finally 75 to 35 on to Austin. And then over the years watching the spread from Dallas north upwards to the OK/TX state line.

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Blech! If you tied me to a chair and threatened to force feed me Thin Mints I’d hand over the nuclear launch codes to get out of it.

Doesn’t help that Bobby and I got blind drunk on a bottle of his mother’s Crème de Menthe around age 14. Now I run from mint like it’s a rabid dog.


Maybe one of his lackeys made a set of playing cards with all of his enemies on them.

On second thought, a standard deck wouldn’t be enough.


Freezer-stored thin mints.


Our local troops sell at the grocery stores, of course. But the stores have gotten smart and put ads in the paper saying “come get your Girl Scout cookies these days”.

Plus, a pizza joint in town sells them for one of the troops (different troop each year). Munchies, anyone?


I wish they would sell something less fattening than cookies, and I’d be glad to buy it. Jump ropes, maybe.