Trump Campaign Makes Good On Threat To Go After Nevada’s Mail-In Ballot Plan

It is a process of disruption and delay. Reality has nothing to do with it. Make people nervous about the results and in the meantime slow any opportunity to remedy issues and reassure people. Basically chaos.

Check out this adherent to the Trump method.

When you realize Allen West footed part of the solution, things are nuts.


The Trump campaign lawsuit makes the argument that Nevada’s legislation “effectively postpones and prolongs Nevada’s 2020 general election past the Election Day established by Congress” a move that Trump’s campaign states will “dilute the votes of some Nevada voters, thereby infringing their right to vote under the Fourteenth Amendment.”

I hope the state’s lawyers point out how this argument makes zero sense.


I sent my application for a mail-in ballot for the Arizona primary election and for the general election fully 6 weeks ago. My primary ballot arrived in good order and I filled it out and mailed it two weeks ago. Our primary election was yesterday. My ballot had to travel only across town to the recorder’s office. For the general election, however, since trump has fucked with the post office I will be taking my filled out and properly sealed ballot (and that of Mrs darr as well) to the County Recorder’s office myself and placing them in the hand of a human. This election is far too important to have it screwed up by trump.


As I said above, this lawsuit is just theater.


And shitty theater at that


It’s unfair because how is Putin supposed to cheat for little Donnie if it’s all mail-in ballots?


The point is the suit, not winning it. Heck, if they lose, it works out even more in their favor. They know he can’t win and want his KKKult ready for violence in the streets and attempts on elected Dems’ lives. Between attacks on the election and whatever they have planned to do to Biden in October in relation to their Ukraine nonsense, they think they’ve manufactured the beginnings of the next revolution, and any crackdowns on the KKKult’s violent reaction to Biden’s election…let alone the House and Senate elections…will be met with escalating reactions in a feedback loop they use to paint Biden and the Dems as the tyrants they predicted and further the delusion of their role as freedom fighters protecting an America on the cusp of dictatorship and utter destruction. That it is all hypocrisy or doublethink will not matter.


I’ve decided against absentee voting myself, as I don’t want to risk the current Postal Service malfeasance or getting hit by a bus before I can drop it in the mail. I’ll be doing in-person early voting during a low-traffic part of the day. October 13 cannot get here soon enough.


We’ve been voting by mail for decades here in Washington State. We can mail them and we have drop boxes which I use to save the State the postage. We also have a convenient website that gives the status of any ballot. I checked and mine was accepted and counted. Simple.


Yet the judicial system will treat this with far more respect than it deserves and the Trump campaign will likely be able to find a judge somewhere willing to through all VBM systems into chaos with an adverse ruling (even if only temporarily).


The “postmarked by Election Day” applies for Texas military members voting from overseas, and their ballots have to arrive by November 12, which is a substantial grace period. (If I mail an absentee ballot, it has to arrive November 4.)

They are being really stupid to make this an argument.


Is this a political polemic or does he try to state a cause of action?

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States and municipalities run the elections.* The complaint was filed to appeal to the base. Outrage will ensure for a short time and then disappear as Benedict Donald moves on to something else to complain about. He is always the victim

  • Except for Florida, the Supreme Court in 2000.

No, it won’t. There will be a preliminary injunction hearing. The P.I. will be denied. Trump can appeal to the 9th Circuit, or he can try once again to short circuit the appellate process it at the Supreme Court level instead. The Supremes will deny it without comment, maybe with a short and stupid dissent from Thomas. Count on that being the outcome of this very dumb lawsuit.

Which of all those Obama district court judges in Las Vegas do you think that is likely to be?

Courtroom defeatism is very tiring to me.


Same thing in Colorado. Our ballot drop off boxes have big flags on them (and bypass the USPS), and I can log in to the Secretary of State’s website and check the status of my ballot. The only bugaboo is that we still need the USPS to get our ballots to us.


Donnie Logic: “I sued using donated money, not my own, and I will lose, but I will force [insert name of defendant here] to spend lots of their money on legal fees, which makes me feel good.” Orange Julius Caesar has said as much on more than one occasion. He can’t be gone soon enough!!!


The complaint further argues that Nevada’s new election legislation goes against federal law by requiring elections officials to accept and count ballots received after Election Day, baselessly claiming that those ballots “lack objective evidence that voter cast them on before Election Day.”

  • What federal law would that be?
  • How many elections in how many have already had to count ballots after election day?

This seems thin, even for DT’s team of charlatans.


Novel complaint saying if more people vote it will dilute the vote. I guess his worry is Republican Votes will be outnumbered by others votes. Any rational Judge would laugh this out of his court.


I have always liked the act of putting my paper ballot in the ballot box myself at our polling place in a neighborhood Greek orthodox church as they have the facility to do this. It’s the act of “casting my ballot”. Arizona uses paper ballots which I prefer. But we would be new to total mail in elections here. And this election is vitally seriously …stupendously important. It’s life or death. And so I will not trust trump with his hand on the post office. I am not sure if AZ will have the web set up to check on the progress of my ballot as I am not aware of any way to track it as of now. But there did not seem to be any horrible screw up with ballots in our primary election yesterday. I expect my ballot for the general election to arrive early in October. I’ve not missed voting in any election … national, state, or local since 1968 when I participated for the first time at age 19. What a year that was for the country.


Didn’t Utah just do the same thing and mail every registered voter a mail-in ballot?

Is Trump going to take on Utah as well?