The Trump campaign on Tuesday sued Nevada over a decision to send mail-in ballots to all of the state’s registered voters, delivering on President Donald Trump’s promise earlier this week that he would fight the move, which he sees as unfavorable to him.
Trump & Co. and the GOP claim that in person voting is rife with fraud hence the need for stringent voter ID laws. Now those same real Americans claim that mail-in voting is also rife with fraud. The only truly safe system is for Trump to appoint an acting president.
It might have a chance of success if the complaint is that there isn’t enough time to put the system in place in a reliable way. If it’s just an argument that sending ballots to all registered voters is somehow illegitimate, then they’ll have to explain why other states like mine in WA have been doing that with no problems for years. That would be a real Hail Mary pass, and I can’t see it working.
OF COURSE he did…this is Donnie’s modus operandi…he doesn’t LIKE it, he sues, he loses, he INSISTS DAMMIT that he ‘won’ and moves on to the next perceived grievance.
I’d like to see it. From what’s in the bit I don’t see anything a Judge could rule on. The RNC has an opinion they have no evidence to support and the Administration in Nevada has the authority to do what they did. Just what does this leave a court to play with?
Follow the money. If we can prove they’re using tax dollars for this suit - the people can sue back and bring criminal charges. Fun times: the Summer of 2021.
Well, this should just ramp up the number of paper ballot requests exponentially.
If Nevada is anything like Wisconsin, which it probably isn’t, just don’t ever tell someone they can’t do something, because they’ll typically go out of their way to do it.
To wit, WI just seated a winning SC justice that the GOP thought surely would lose if the GOP forced in person voting with the Spring election. How’s that workin’ for ya???
What this does, however, is lay the ground work for Trump’s invalidation of the election because he didn’t like the way it was run, despite having been entirely legal.
ETA: word from the farm in CT - the storm really wrought havoc through the State and pretty much the entire mid-Atlantic and southern New England. Power outages abound - CT is reporting the third worst Statewide outage in history. What I expect will happen is, in these States, testing will be suspended and, due to the outside work clearing trees and repairing downed wires, the confirmed numbers will start to drop for a few days, leading Trump to insist that all is well and everything can re-open.
Of course, those tests will eventually be run, but it’ll be a pretty good spike when they are run.
@richardinjax I took a brief read over, and it looks like there are two issues being raised.
that the election day is mandated by Congress, and therefore the state should not accept ballots received via mail after that date. I doubt they have much footing, as multiple states have similar laws that say the ballots must be postmarked by election day.
they are making a 14th Amendment claim that the law gives each county and city leeway, and this results in Nevada not treating all voters identically (which they call equally). This is also a pretty big reach, since nearly every state gives each county certain leeway (For example, not every county in FL uses the same type of counting machines, or even ballots).
If the “past election day” bit is that the ballots have to be postmarked on or before the election, that’s standard practice in many other states. If I were the AG defending this, I would move not only for summary judgement but for sanctions.
If anyone could challenge the “all active voters” part it would be people who have registered or moved in that past year or so. Which is probably not the group the GOP wants enfranchised.
Not exactly. Their numbers guys have determined that the preponderant benefit from mail in goes to Democrats so GOP’ers want to shut it down. There’s no evidence of evil in mail in voting. The objection to it is in the fact it increases participation which in general is thought to favor Democrats.
Just an observation: When he was a private citizen without campaign funds or taxpayer money to waste, Trump was always threatening to sue and hardly ever doing so. But now that he’s playing with house money, what the hey, right?