Trump Camp Says Supporters Are ‘Strongly Encouraged’ To Wear Masks At Upcoming Rally

But, but that’s a good thing, right?

We all sign a NAA (Non-Atonement Agreement) at the time of our hire/appointment - so nice try at drawing me out and costing me my job, lib-tard! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh now they want to be Politically Correct?

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And, true to their narcissist-in-chief, they say it’s for “protecting yourself,” when that kind of mask is about protecting others. Guess they know their audience.


After Tulsa and Mt Rushmore, there were many examples of people coming down with Covid 19. Publicity about Herman Cain, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Secret Service agents, campaign advance team being infected just make Trump look foolish. But Trump is determined to shoot himself in the foot.

Residents from states outside New England are being asked to self quarantine for 2 weeks when entering New Hampshire. But apparently the Republican governor, Chris Sununu, is making an exception for the Trump rally.


The rallies are deliberate COVID-19 culturing events. All the state and local precautions are violated as infecting agents travel from many States with no concern for self isolation and physical hygiene. Once assembled at the rally sites the virus finds many new hosts engaging in close contact to catalyze efficient infection. Then the old and newly infected travel back and spread the virus all over the country. The rallies are in fact an act of biological warfare against the United States.


“Trump Camp Says Supporters Are ‘Strongly Encouraged’…”

When we get to “Very Powerfully Encouraged” then we’ll know Dumbbell Donny is all in.


When he wears one himself at a rally, then we’ll know he’s all in. That will never happen.


1/4 inch of bronzer doesn’t count?




About Moron Brian Kemp, guv of Georgia…

In Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp has said college football Saturdays depend on it. We do not know why, but the governor neglected a far stronger argument — that a face mask not only hinders the spread of the virus, but also allows a Southern Baptist to walk into any liquor store without being recognized.

For those unfamiliar to uber-hypocrites Southern Baptists, they broke away from regular Baptists over the issue of slavery, making them the unreconstructed Confederates of Christendom, and happen to be the single largest Protestant denomination in the US. They are rabidly blue-nosed but as the joke goes…

Jews don’t recognize Jesus…
Protestants don’t recognize the Pope…
Baptists don’t recognize each other at the liquor store


He won’t wear a mask, but he has no problem with a white hood.

— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) July 6, 2020

Afraid of:

-folks giving him the finger
-video of the small crowd that experts said showed up.
-chanting by demonstrators inside the Mall area. No signs allowed but I’ll bet they would have been screaming as he spoke.


I just really really want him to cover his mouth. Not so much to prevent spread of virus as to prevent spread of nonsense and malevolance.


Ah ain’t gonna waste good alkyhaul rubbin’ it on mah hands! Pass that jug ova heah!

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So, Trump finally admits defeat. You just know this is why he resisted till now. He hates being wrong even when it’s obvious and massive and will go to any length to avoid admitting it, even if it means literally killing people. Of course, they’re still not requiring masks, just “encouraging” it, likely for legal CYA reasons. They don’t give a shit about their idiot followers’ lives.


#MAWAFM Make America Wear A Fucking Mask

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I think the common term is ‘orgy’.


My favorite joke on the topic (I lived in Atlanta for some time):

Q. Why do Southern Baptists refrain from having sex standing up?
A. People might think they were dancing.