Trump Camp Says Supporters Are ‘Strongly Encouraged’ To Wear Masks At Upcoming Rally

The Trump campaign took a small step toward attempting to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at one of President Donald Trump’s upcoming rallies.

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Peer pressure will win out. If 10% of rally attendees wear masks I’ll be surprised. No one wants to be an effete Communist sympathizer.


I am so surprised that they haven’t created MAGA masks to make money off of this.


About time…

I’m sick to my stomach that the orange menace, and his sycophants, are coming so close to my state. The Gov of NH is a spineless one, and won’t do anything so drastic as to mandate masks or chuck the whole lot of them out of here. The majority of attendees will be from out of the area, bringing their droplets here.
But I should be thankful we are not FL or TX?


Too little, too late. If Trump were serious about containing the virus, he’d cancel all his rallies and tell the states with exploding case loads to go back into lockdown.


Does anyone know why donnie gave his July 4th spiel from the WH rather than the Mall where I people the main crowd was located?


Physical cowardice and grifting hypocrisy.


These rallies are always about Trump and he doesn’t care how many people die, even his supporters, because of the lack of even the most basic protective measures. His mental illnesses never permit him to admit faults or mistakes, ever.


Ha! But normally a big crowd attracts him. Really surprised me.

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Here’s a novel idea. Don’t have the fucking rally.


Good luck with that . The base is STUPID They’ve been told what to think and they ain’t changing


The Trump campaign essentially set a trap for itself. In Trump’s desire to be the contrarian cheerleader of no-masks, he convinced his mindless followers to take up the mantra. Now to undo what he built, he has to undermine himself. And that’s something Comrade Trump just can’t do. His stupid stubborness is now forever linked in an inverse correlation to COVID infections. His presidency will be judged by death tolls!!


The virus wins. It’s a child of a pissed off Mother Nature and she always wins. I think Trump’s belated and paltry submission to her with this OK on masks isn’t going to do much. Yesterday Jean Pirro ( Judge jean on FOX ) appeared in public wearing a mask and got bombed by GOP’ers calling her a sheep. I can see what FOX is trying to do…confront the indisputable after disputing it for 5 months…but it’s too damn late. China’s Xi is using America’s utter failure to deal with COVID to call us a threat to the entire world. He’s got a point. The EU has banned American travelers too. Canada the same.

We’ve never been here before. The last worldwide trauma was the financial crisis. America led on that. We were admired on our handling of that. We’ve had pandemics too. And we led on them. Now we’re the laughing stock of the world and and an emerging pariah.


“Wear a mask?! Are you insane?!!! Why, if I surrender to the Deep State mask edict, how will anyone hear my shouts of joy when Our Sainted President arrests Hillary and all the rest of those Demon Rats for running that international pedophile ring?!!!”


People in NH have been good about masks. Maybe that’s why he’s coming here, to put on that show.
“I would’ve won NH except for Busloads of illegal voters” in 3…2…1.


You got it! They’ll all show up in MAGA hats, Stars and Stripes Tee Shirts while waiving Trump 2020 signs…all of them…but not wear a mask to avoid being sheep.


“It’s a trap!!!” - Karen Akbar


Loser! Trump crumbles into subservience to left-wing fascist toetallytariatism. Sad!


They have all sorts but to hide their ugly expressions this is the one they should get…

The trouble is that it doesn’t shut the pie hole off so they need this to complete the ensemble.

This is a better look…