Trump Camp Says Supporters Are ‘Strongly Encouraged’ To Wear Masks At Upcoming Rally

The masks will refute months of lies.

Anyone at his rally wearing a mask will know they were being told lies.
Confronting that will then open their eyes to other possible lies.

Trump is trying to turn back time. Others have tried that and lost.


Patience everyone. Unless Dolt croaks? We have to be patient and continue to stay safe as we can.

Shit will hit the fan bigtime end-of August when the UE stipends end.
I truly don’t wish this on anyone in need-- but it’s only and when these kinds of events occur-- that panicked Republicans will act.

Help people you can-- to be able to eat and stay safe as possible.

Here’s some balanced reporting from The Guardian:


Because he is a coward.


Now there’s a category for us to be proud of!


As far as numbers and Trajectory, NH has weathered this storm fairly well.

Trump can’t have that, can he…

He wants this shit spread.

So far Gov Sununu has been fairly even and ok. (Read: Northeast Republican up for election in a Presidential year)

If he lets this fly, or worse, attends. He toast.


Trump won’t wear a mask so neither will those attending, and the WH will claim they did all they could but it’s the right of individuals to decide whether they wear masks.
If Judge Jean and other Fox “News” types start wearing masks and preaching caution, as some seem to be doing, the heads of brain-washed Trumpites are going to explode. I can’t wait for the first claims that Fox “News” has been taken over by the deep state.


Headline says all you need to know:

Trump Camp Says Supporters Are ‘Strongly Encouraged’ To Wear Masks At Upcoming Rally

“Trump Camp Says”. Not “Trump Says”.


Mother nature getting frisky lately with the lightning strikes:


That’s rather non-specific

Individuals don’t have the right to smoke on an airplane. They don’t have the right to erect a building lacking fire exits. They don’t have the right to park a vehicle on a train track and walk away from it. All those things endanger the health of other citizens, and they’re prohibited. Claiming it’s your Constitutional right to inflict harm on others is ridiculous. The unwillingness and inability of States and the Federal government to mandate certain health rules in the midst of a pandemic is criminal.


We always KNEW they would push masks as long as they could sell them in their merchandise store. I’m glad the ‘message’ has changed but I often ‘think’ how the cons would be howling about ‘flip flopping’ if it was these dastardly democrats do it.


“Strongly encourage” to wear a mask BUT asked to sign NDA to indemnify Trump…

Wearing a face mask is NOT (and should not be) a political test…
Wearing a face mask an IQ test!

Just a reminder:



North Korea’s DPRK News Service is spoofing the Stable Genius with the very high IQ:



The only reason I can imagine for this turnaround is that the optics, or the polling, are so bad that they realized what a bad choice they had made. As usual, I would like to hear about the internal polling.


Secret Service ran the odds on their own exposure to covid-19 for the event, and said no más.


People in NH have been good about wearing masks, except college students, who walk around town and inside stores in groups and without masks, having a good time, as if nothing has changed. I’ve seen a couple big maskless lawn parties at the fraternities and sororities. The university currently plans to reopen for in-person classes in the fall, relying on these students to be vigilant about masks, distancing, and hygiene. As if! If we go ahead with that, we’re looking at a Texas-style pandemic on campus by October. I am filing for medical exemption from in-person teaching and weighing my options if I’m denied.


good point – which means the pressure is building up to the inevitable countervailing rage-tweets exploding from his anus.


The next step will be for the Donald to proclaim that because the Democrats deliberately sabotaged his efforts to control the virus, it is now necessary for Republicans to wear mask to protect themselves from the “Antifa Flu”.


Few, if any, of Trump’s idiotic cultists will wear masks at any of his Nuremberg rallies. They won’t social distance and will ignore hand sanitizer. All of these demented fools are willing sacrifices to the cult leader.

If they didn’t have family members and friends who could also die of COVID I’d cheer them on.


White House Spokesperson: We have no record of this Judge Jean person having had any previous contact with the President or anyone connected to this Administration. In fact, we’re pretty sure she’s not an American citizen. Our best guess is that her little mask stunt was a black power terrorist HOAX dreamed up by ANTIFA and the Biden people to further erode the great heritage, history and culture that your great Leader has dedicated the whole of his lily-white life to preserve."