Trump Blows Up At GOP Guv For Rebuking POTUS’ ‘Outrageous’ Potential Refusal To Leave Office

Donald, remember money I loan you and Jared? Remember how much I help you? Remember you promise $80 oil price, sanctions go away, and everybody be happy? Remember what happens to guys who break promise?


And yet is backed and supported by Pence, Barr and McConnell every step of the way. What does that say about them?


same here

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A real strong man wouldn’t rail impotently like this. He would be able to do something quietly and effectively to bring Baker back into the pack. The bark of this rabid dog is an indicator of his fundamental weakness. More will see this and float away…though it is taking a bit too long for my tastes.


Just curious: has anyone gamed out how many GOOPer senators will be screwed if Trump ties up the mail-in vote? Enough to seat a Dem. majority senate? which could then impeach the bastard if he steals the election via the rigged SCOTUS, yes?

Seems to me that there are many ways this shit could play out and the Light Side come out on top.


I am waiting now almost three weeks for my absentee ballot to make it from NC to the west coast where I am covid living. But I ordered some try at home glasses from Warby Parker and got them in 5 days.


Pretty sure that an imprisoned Mango Maniac would be sure to have his meals catered and tested even from the NY state pokey.


Trump and Kushner extorted Qatar to bail out the Kushners. His family business was less than year away from bankruptcy, now he’s rolling in the money. But Putin no doubt was behind funneling money to Trump for years via money laundering and other schemes.


To quote Ben Sasse, “The president says a lot of things”.

And I guess none of it matters until it does. I keep hearing that people voted for Trump because they wanted to blow up DC. Congrats. Mission accomplished.

The “Survival of the Richest” party thanks the millions of you who will be among the first to perish when those government programs that are keeping you alive magically vanish into the vaults and offshore accounts of people who consider social security and Medicare pocket change.


Lindsey could have set himself up nicely with a gig on CNN or MSNBC playing the sane conservative and gotten more airtime than he ever imagined. Written a book as the moderate in politics and made a mint. Then, joined the Lincoln Project and secured a piece of that pie.

The Russians must have some truly damaging material for him to miss the opportunity. Or, as has been stated, he is simply just a coward, which can certainly blind one to the potential that lies ahead.


When you breed race horses, you have to to remove the less successful ones from that gene pool. If you’re breeding racists, you keep all of the rejects.

Leave it to Putin’s proxy to get out there and sell a debunked theory to a lost generation of people who are completely disconnected from reality.

I just spent a week in El Paso getting dental work done in Ciudad Juárez in spite of the 4/4 warnings from the U.S. State Dept. about travel to Mexico. The compliance with COVID-19 precautions was very good there, what with no idiot supporters of El Pendejo Grande. Even my driver wore a N95 mask. El Paso unfortunately is infested with Texans who feel compelled to seek infection to show their loyalty to a monster who is projected to kill 5,000,000 Americans if he continues his disaster.


But I always noticed there was this very cool other way to go and it impressed me. It seemed bloodless, no crushing your opponent into the mud, but admittedly effective. Reading about cognitive research and getting acquainted with the basics of political persuasion gave me a more explicit understanding of the idea but of course it’s hard to overcome the habits of a lifetime.


Trump has never succeeded at anything in his life without cheating. For him, playing by the rules is for losers. It is absolutely no surprise that he has cheated as president and will cheat to remain president. When people try to call him out, he will yell louder and more often so as to drown out dissent, and then will bring lawsuits to wear out anyone who stands up to him. If we let him get away with it this time, it’s on us.


The simple truth to me is trumper has proven himself to be unfit for office as well as a true danger to Democracy.
I did not vote for and have never voted for a party other than the Democratic party.
I will never be able to fully forgive anyone that was stupid or greedy enough to vote for him.
I see the green new way as humanity’s only hope and will no longer tolerate any other bullshit from others.
I live on top of a mountain in the Ozarks and I see the damage global warming is doing to the forest and the animals, we must act now and work hard to help this planet or it will shake us off like fleas and go on without us.


Trumpanzees works for me.


Charlie, you can’t wash the stank off with words. You are neck deep in it.

As long as that “R” is next to your name, you are a member of the cult.

Just another chickenshit.


I was in my mid-thirties before I figured it out. Late bloomer.


All of them we hope. The fetid brown stain and stink of Trumpism will persist.

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Trouble is it seems a bit manipulative to me. I know that’s not really true. Both my parents were only children with tumultuous childhoods and I’ve always thought that affected them in a lot of ways but for our discussion here it didn’t give them the social sophistication others might have. They could never have worked as politicians, say, or in sales.


My hope is that the more desperate and ridiculous and demanding he gets, the less room conservadems are going to have to pull another 2009 and say, oh, we can’t investigate anyone - that would be rude.