Trump Blows Up At GOP Guv For Rebuking POTUS’ ‘Outrageous’ Potential Refusal To Leave Office

OH Yes! Trump screws with the mechanism - knows better than anybody… fancies himself to be a “savant” gifted with infinite knowledge of anything simply by hearing its name or glancing at it - a Platinum Asshole - and eventually his infinite ignorant directives exceed the defenses of his minders … and destruction ensues.

Go back in time - remember the USFL - it almost had a chance … it even got a boost with Trump’s initial involvement … then he over reached - and it DIED - hideously
Remember Trump Airlines …
Remember Trump Casino in Atlantic City …

The present Trump Empire is rotten to the core - if it could be filleted open and examined - it would be revealed to be 1000 time more rotten than Bernie Madoff’s fraudulent empire - plus - there would be astounding bona fide zombie-ism in the form of parasitic invasion from foreign “investors” to whom Trump is obligated and compromised - a situation that he got into because he was a know-it-all asshole who thought he could outsmart the “investors” … but now find himself “owned” !


OT: VAGov tests positive for COVID and is asymptomatic.


If you CAN’T WIN, you try to make it seem like the whole contest was rigged.

We see your lame ploy, Donnie.

You know you’re going to get whipped. We know you’re going to get whipped.


Yup but his wife has symptoms.


MSNBC.shows a shot of him from the side while that was going on and he fleetingly but visibly flinched


How can anyone belong to the Republican/Trump Cult Party of soulless cretins? They exist in another reality. One where good is bad and lies are truth conspiracies are factual and Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus. Vote…we must Crush them on November 3rd.


President Trump knows that he is in real danger once he leaves office. The NY Attorney General already said that he could be investigated for tax fraud. His son must, within the next month, meet with the Attorney General and answer questions. The Trump empire will be over. His niece is suing him in court for taking what she claims should be a share of the family estate. His own actions as President will be investigated. He sees no good ending. His only hope to to win the election or make things so difficult that he can arrange for protection after he leaves office from his legal situation.

Meanwhile, over 200,000 US citizens have died of covid-19, with 60% of that number assigned to the President’s mishandling of the pandemic. I would guess that the actual numbers on both are higher than reported. We still are not prepared, still have shortages of necessary PPE, are not ready for a second surge.

The Republicans hoped to use Trump as a tool to accomplish what the far right has always wanted. They made a deal with the devil. Now, they have no voice. They are in too deep, but have been pushed to extremes that I don’t think they anticipated having to deal with. But we do have to deal with this situation. We truly have a crazy man in charge at the White House.

Once again, I will quote former Secretary Seward when he spoke to Lincoln before his second election…“that there was always just enough virtue in the republic to save it; sometimes none to spare, but still enough to meet the emergency”.

I hope this is true once again. Stay safe, push back, and vote (and please only once) in November (or earlier). But vote.


FIRST thing I saw this morning on FB was a post from somebody saying THIS WILL DESTROY JOE BIDEN.
So I looked and realized that the video was the infamous NEAL KINNOCK speech from 1988 (that is 1988!!!) just before Joe was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
I told the poster that this is REALLY old news and it’s not ‘hidden’ news.


Also, too: JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican who has steadfastly refused to require residents to wear masks, tested positive for the coronavirus, his office said Wednesday.


There is no bottom to the quicksand the Trump Republicans have leapt into. Maybe the evangelical Jesus will save them. The real Jesus was a progressive troublemaker.


Yes, if you take even a cursory look at his bio you’ll see this astounding string of disasters he brought on himself with his pathology and low intelligence. The Plaza! He bought that damn thing for so much they told him you couldn’t make the payments if every room were filled every night. But he had to, he said. Like a child. He steers himself straight onto the rocks every time. It has to be some kind of record in the annals of business failure.


Excessive verbiage. Fifteen-yard penalty. Loss of down.


Remember the Ass-hole kid you used to play with who always had to win … and if he didn’t win it was proclaimed that somebody cheated … that the inning had to be played over, there was a foul on the play, somebody was offsides … what ever. Some how the idea that they were “a winner” had been implanted in their brain in a demonic manner - not just a simple “you a fully capable of being successful” kind of outlook … nope - a totally demented …
"I always win - all the time - and if I don’t win, it is because somebody cheated …


wasn’t it fantastic when his family sent that kid away to military school in upstate New York …
… even felt slightly sorry for the other kids at that new school … but gosh it was good to be rid of him …


You mean the kid nobody played with after that? Yeah, I remember him…vaguely.


This seems like a good place to post this (it is a bit OTT):

It seems the Durham Investigation is being forced to look into HRC and the CLINTON FOUNDATION again as well as malfeasance by BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

He is ‘fixated’ that since he is a criminal POS everybody else must be; that is why the GOP is always saying they ‘know’ the Dems are doing this or that or the next thing because THEY would do it (and probably ARE doing it).

Since HIS ‘charity’ was a scam the Clintons must’ve been running a scam charity too.


When 50 million angry American voters hit the streets, it’s going to scare the shit out of the MAGATS. We are not some third world country.


But it’s a good start. Just throw in a little sadism and self-righteousness and you’re almost there.


All a cover to launder money for Uranium One.


It’s about effing time someone from the GOP put this thug in his place, but the election shitshow will play out all the same. We know this.

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It’s the only way to ensure Russia gets our precious uranium for some reason.

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