Trump Blows Up At GOP Guv For Rebuking POTUS’ ‘Outrageous’ Potential Refusal To Leave Office

A ‘case’ has to be put before the court before Citizens United gets overturned.

It’s taken 3-4 years for ‘this’ ACA case to reach SCOTUS.

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker is more popular than hot dogs at Fenway Park. New Hampshire is basically in the Boston television market. Trump is incredibly stupid to take him on.


I’d put money on Biden not expanding the court. That’s not who Biden is. He’s spoken against court packing whenever it has been mentioned in the past.
First, we have to win.
That’s a probability so far, but not a guarantee.


The difference is he now has the POWER of the Presidency and he is trying to fuck with the system. BEFORE it was just “I won’t concede” and now it’s THEY ARE MAKING ME DO THIS by being scummy Dems.

What I have noticed is that ‘these’ particular Republicans project so much: THEY would do it so the DEMS must be doing it.


A huge coward. You have to master your fear. You have to make sacrifices. You have to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. And you have to believe in something. If you don’t, I don’t care what material rewards it gets you. You lose something priceless. I hope Graham loses and looks at himself in the mirror and knows it wasn’t worth what he’s lost.


it is the delirium

Delirium is an abrupt change in the brain that causes mental confusion and emotional disruption. It makes it difficult to think, remember, sleep, pay attention, and more. You might experience delirium during alcohol withdrawal, after surgery, or with dementia.

The most cynical and perverse elements of the Strident Totalitarian GOP are idiotically trying to ride this crazy train to the absolute limit for maximum advantage for themselves - and they are telling themselves that they will safely jump clear of the wreckage at the very last second …
that never works …


Just once, I’d like to hear someone that tRump attacks tell him to go fuck himself.


Yeah, HIS law and order. Because standard law and order would not accept his stupid threat.

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He doesn’t care about the down ballot. This is all about him. He will rule.


Putin would … that is why Trump is terrified of him …


Oh, the Republican Party was changing long before the TEA Party was invented. We were doing dirty tricks with Karl Rove in the early 70’s. And, of course, Nixon had his dirty tricksters then too. 2 generations of a party willing to do anything to get or remain in power. 45 just allowed the Party to show its full nastiness after so many years of denying its true beliefs.

This will not go away easily. The hatred and nastiness is fun, exciting. It is a cult now.


And your point is on record.For history to see.


Trumper only listens to the voices in his head, you know he has a very good head!

I’d like to see some focus on WHY Trump is so intent on a second term: he is terrified of indictment in NY and Putin. He has no vision, no ambition, doesn’t give a damn about the country; the job is a pain in the ass. I have no doubt that without the fear of jail, he’d be resigning under some bullshit reason.

Let’s read about what they have on him and the statute of limitations - the REAL motivation.


Putin must be loving the chaos and ungovernability he helped foster. Perhaps a Big Mac with extra cheese and a large glass of vodka? Bот что я люблю! (I’m lovin’ it in Russian).


The key to nearly every office transaction.


I love following the goats as relaxation, the cams are endless enjoyment. Thanks!


I was raised by arguers, not persuaders, so it took me a bit to learn this. :smile:


Me neither. There isn’t much I like about Baker, but at least he got the response to the Trump Plague right.

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Gosh, and here I thought TPM was mostly a political site.