Trump Appears Injured After Loud Sounds At Campaign Rally In Pennsylvania

From the Post, right on cue: “the current political climate makes politically motivated violence more likely to happen.”

That doggone current political climate! It’s always fucking with us!
I spent thirty years trying to teach students not to write like this, in clouds of abstraction which make all the really interesting and relevant facts just disappear.

For example: “The Trump campaign celebrates the political violence of J6 every day. Their exclamations of shock and horror at such violence being directed at Trump himself don’t exactly contradict that celebration. They simply clarify what was always implicit: that they celebrate violence only when it is directed at their enemies.”


And DEI almost got him assassinated. .


We are gonna be hearing some craaazy shit. Wait for it: the shooter was trans. The shooter once read “The Fire Next Time” by James Baldwin. (Hear the threat? I told you man!) The shooter’s mom once dated a Marxist in college. As the man said, it will be wild.


Trump’s Chicken of Violence coming home to roost.


If that p.o.s. had not turned his head to look towards the sound of shots, we’d be living in a different world this morning.


I know the press has digging around the shooter’s political affiliations. However, there are so many unanswered questions.

Do we know if he was an NRA member? The guy was pretty accurate – Was he law enforcement or military?

Finally, much of modern day terrorist violence is religiously or racially motivated. What church did he attend? Was he anti-abortion? Was he a white supremacist, neo-nazi, pro-palestinian, Black Lives Matter etc.?


Is that the same god who wasn’t too concerned about Lincoln, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK, Jr., et al.? The 1st Amendment protects your right to practice whatever religion that might be, but I’ll look elsewhere.


“Clouds of abstraction.”
Spoken like a true educator. Thank you for 30 years of dedication. I spent a sliver of that time just trying to teach H. S. Seniors to write their names; on the off chance they had to sign any important documents, like a paycheck.


A false flag event certainly seems possible, straight out of Roger Stone’s playbook.

MAGAts would definitely be shouting such accusations if Biden had been targeted.


ABC reports that the assault rifle used in the Trump assassination attempt was legally purchased (quelle surprise), by the shooter’s father. The father needs to lawyer-up.


Gun used in Trump’s apparent assassination attempt possibly bought by suspect’s father

Two law enforcement officials tell The Associated Press investigators believe the gun was bought by the father of Thomas Matthew Crooks, who’s been identified as the shooter, at least six months ago.

The officials said federal agents are still working to understand when and how Crooks obtained the gun and gather additional information about him as they worked to try to identify a possible motive.

The investigation is focused on Crooks. The officials were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.


My lefty friends on Facebook are practically apologizing for the violence and asking fellow lefties to make sure we pray for trump and giving other vomit-inducing mea culpas. Stuff like this is partly how a mainly left-center country consistently ends up with rightwing leaders…


God’s protection did not extend to the three attendees who caught bullets listening to Trump speak.


They seem nice.


Yes, yes, yes. Maybe Joe Biden and the rest of the party need to be the face of a calm and civilized party in contrast to what has been an already over the top response from Republicans.

We are the ones who want this scourge of gun violence to end. We are the ones who have been fighting on this front for years. We are the ones who want a safer country.


Didn’t SCOTUS say in Chevron that they know more and can do better than the agencies - Where were Thomas and Alito last night?


Explosives devices found in Thomas Matthews Crooks car: Sources

The Wall Street Journal is reporting authorities found explosive devices in the car of the man who officials say tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump, according to people briefed on the investigation.

The car, which was driven by Thomas Matthew Crooks, was parked near the Trump rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday, the people said.

Police received reports of suspicious packages around where the shooter was, authorities said, prompting them to deploy bomb technicians.

Investigators were still working to make sure the scene was clear well into the night. They also searched Crooks’ home and spoke with his family.


My new M-2 chip powered, AI enhanced, Trumpenstein-Synth-speech generator Ver.3.1, read that as,
He Rape what he saw.

No problem.
They were either rinos or truly devout and willingly gave themselves as martyrs. Because thats what a just god does… it would have too hard to have the gun misfire or maybe have the guys car not start that afternoon.

There were a thousand simpler and less deadly solutions available to god, but they choose to go this way.


Stoopidest thing Rubio could possibly say. Did God protect the two people behind Chump that got shot? God protecting somebody would look more like the shooter falling off his ladder and breaking his neck before he ever got on the roof. Or turning his bullets into gummy bears.