Trump Appears Injured After Loud Sounds At Campaign Rally In Pennsylvania

I think it’s not so much paranoia as grandstanding. Start whipping up Biden administration conspiracy theories.


Also a registered Republican.


It’s kind of hard to work up too much sympathy for someone who was shot after vigorously proclaiming his gog-given right to have anyone killed who he pleased.

(Misspelling accidental but appropriate.)


Actuarially speaking, being president is a very dangerous job. We know that Trump is a coward. He may want to drop out and flee to Russia or Saudi.


This is my favorite shot, complete with the upside down flag.



I think we’re all getting a foretaste of the right attacking the Dems for their anti-Trump rhetoric and adverts while ratcheting up their own inflammatory messaging.
I think the long and the short of it will be that nothing will change; as, I don’t expect the Dems are gonna knuckle under to that double standard.


It probably kills it dead in its tracks. I saw a comment from one of the Dem politicians involved in that movement saying that this stops any momentum. We’ll see.




They all look more like something you’d post around your property than X-mas cards.
‘Beware of dog!’ is just so passe.


"Politics should be kind of boring.”

— Bernie Sanders


I had a lot of mixed feelings about the shooting. Not that violence or loss of life is anything to wish for. This is a horrible, tragic and very preventable event. But the mixed feelings relate to the campaign and how everytime the President and Democrats go on the attack in the future, we are going to be accused of fomenting political violence. I think we all know the absurdity of those attacks but they are inevitable. Perhaps in the short term Democrats need to focus their attacks on guns, and let tensions simmer. This morning I had an additional thought - and that is that we might all be thankful that Donald Trump was not killed because the violence from the right with guns would be inevitable. Civil unrest and retaliatory acts for sure - and the MAGA right would never trust the results of ant investigation. I don’t know - my thoughts on this are still evolving.


I hope the Democrats and Joe Biden take this moment to fully embrace and campaign on an anti-gun violence agenda. It’s about time and it’s (finally) a winning issue. The Republicans, for some reason, can’t bring themselves to put people over guns.


captured a photo of what experts describe as a bullet flying past former President Donald Trump’s head.

A tiny slice of time with huge implications. Turmoil and drama regardless of the outcome. I wonder if it will actually hit him how close this was really.


Reporting (Josh?) says FBI snipers opened fire on the wannabe assassin right after he opened fire. They were on another, nearby rooftop/
I’d bet that’s their ‘second shooter.’


Not that I’m keeping count, but that’s the 2nd good laugh I’ve had in the last 4 months.


If you know anyone making book, I’ll bet on no significant positive change of behavior.



I think that this just about guarantees that Trump will be our next President. It came down to a contest between a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual molester, and a rapidly aging good guy whose sell date had passed! What a great choice to have. My biggest problem with Trump is that he’s an asshole, and I don’t want an asshole as my President. Biden was probably the most competent Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ever, but sadly his best years are well past.

But I think this tears it. America wants a strong, brave President, and sadly this (and the iconic photo) tips the scales in Trump’s favor. The next four years will be interesting, and we’ll get to see if the 2025 Project blueprint helps or hurts our Republic. God bless America!

Hard to imagine that MTG’s reaction won’t turn out to be the general Trumpworld reaction. Blaming other people for things they didn’t do is their most basic modus operandi, and that most often takes the form of projection–blaming other people for what they want to do. The media is likely to fail completely to note that Trump’s entire campaign is built around a celebration of the political violence of J6, and that his core promise of “retribution” is essentially a promise of violence. We’re gonna see a lot of abstract generalizations, e.g. “the presidential campaign has become even more toxic,” and false equivalencies–“feelings on both sides are more heated than ever.” No way in the world will we collectively address the simple truth that authoritarian regimes such as Trumpworld is aiming for rely fundamentally on political violence, or at least the threat of it.
Happy to be proved wrong.


We went from talking about how old and weak Biden looks, to talking about how tough Trump looks.
